Best Hair Transplant in Karachi, Pakistan

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Hair transplant in Karachi is a surgical procedure for people who have experienced significant hair loss due to Androgenic Alopecia and Male Pattern Baldness. The procedure for hair loss treatment has evolved dramatically over the past decade. Aesthetic Shapes Cosmetology center hosted in Karachi, Pakistan is a place where you’ll be served with latest technology as well as new-tech equipment for Hair Transplant in Karachi, Pakistan. It is our utmost priority to ensure the safety, privacy and confidentiality of our patients. At Aesthetic Shapes we offer our best price as well as services to our potential customers in all aspects. Our skilled staff is ready to shape you with a beautiful look as you dream.

Selecting A Qualified Hair Transplant Specialist

  • The most vital decision in restoring your hair is the regarding the plastic surgeon that you choose.
  • The skill, talent, and experience of hair restoration specialist vary widely, as do the end results. Whom you select, will determine how natural and full your new hair will be for the rest of your life
  • Performing follicular unit hair transplantation is very demanding upon a clinic’s surgeon and staff only a minority of hair restoration clinics perform it successfully
  • Those seeking only the most natural results need to be very selective. After all, the results will last a lifetime

Points You Need To Consider When Choosing The Right Clinic

To achieve a high level of quality a clinic typically needs:

  • A large and well trained staff that is dedicated to doing hair transplants exclusively
  • The hair restoration clinics that do make these investments are able to provide their patients with naturalness and fullness in only one surgical session with rapid healing, and optimal use of their limited donor hair.
  • The hair restoration physicians recommended on this site have made this investment and have a proven track record of excellent hair transplant results.

The Procedure That Is In the Best Interest For The Patient.

  • Today’s optimal follicular unit extraction procedure enables a patient to achieve extremely natural results because it recreates and imitates the way a person’s hair grows naturally, hair for hair.
  • If you choose a leading hair restoration physician who is performing state of the art surgery you can achieve completely natural results that will last a life time.
  • This site was created by and for patients, to help others get past the hype and learn how to achieve great results. Learn about hair transplants from actual patients.
  • Learn from patients about which physicians are producing truly natural results by visiting our hair restoration discussion forum or our directory of recommended hair restoration physicians.
  • You can also view Hair Loss Weblogs created by actual patients

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Technique

At Aesthetic Shapes our experts would give you a chance to get back your common hair line with no symptom or scarring by means of cutting edge procedure of FUE hair transplant in Karachi, Pakistan. With FUE you will appreciate genuine true serenity of hair building technique, without scarring. This treatment gives naturalresults and it is widely used technique, courtesy its minimal invasiveness.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) Technique

FUT hair transplant in Karachi, Pakistan, at Aesthetic Shapes , is another available options for surgical hair restoration. It works best for those who are suffering from constant hair loss – both male and female pattern baldness – and for the hair thinning patients as well.

Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

In addition to our latest FUE and FUT technique we offer stem cell therapy, Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP). It is a state of the art non-surgical procedure that yields results similar hair transplants in half the time. PRP Hair treatment is basically meant for:

  • Hair growth
  • The hair which are not growing and neither falling

Steps Involved In A Typical Hair Transplant Procedure:

1 – Consultation

  • The information exchanged during the first meeting with your specialist will outline your goals and expectations for the outcome of the procedure.
  • The information you gather during this phase is the only factor you have, in deciding whether the clinic is right or the wrong for you.

2 – Blood Tests

After you have decided for the clinic and your appointment is scheduled, next step is of blood test which most clinics require prior to the procedure.

3 – Anesthesia

Every clinic follows certain instructions before surgery. It is recommended not to take aspirin product before the surgery. By using only local anesthesia, the doctor will anesthetize so that you do not feel any pain.

4 – Extraction Of Donor Hair

After anesthesia, the doctor will now remove the donor hair grafts, which is done using one of two methods in common practice today:

   i. The Single Strip Harvest Method

The single strip harvest method is the traditional method. The donor strip is carefully divided into follicular units under a microscope and surgical light.

   ii. The Follicular Unit Extraction Method

It is the most widely used method for hair transplantation. In the Follicular Unit Extraction method, the surgeon uses a small punch-like circular machine to remove follicular units one at a time. It is a scar free treatment and it aims at giving you a fuller and thicker head of hair.

5 – Implanting Of Donor Hair

It involves the following steps:

  • You will recline in the surgery chair as the surgical team begins preparing your hair loss affected area for the follicular unit hair grafts to be implanted
  • This step involves making tiny incisions with a small-gauged scalpel in the recipient area
  • These tiny incisions are where your scalp will receive the new grafts of hair
  • Actually it is during this step in the hair transplant process that the skill and care of the doctor are most required
  • The arrangement in which the grafts are implanted must look natural and care has to be taken by the doctor to ensure blood flow to the new grafts
  • Depending on the number of grafts you are having implanted, the entire procedure can last from 2 to 4 hours

6 – Post-Operative Care

  • Your doctor will prescribe you medication for pain, swelling and infection
  • He will give you instructions on how to take care so that you remain cautious and do not end up damaging the newly implanted hair grafts
  • After the surgery you will be able to resume normal activities, but as a precaution strenuous activities should be avoided in the first few days

Recovery From Hair Transplant Surgery

You can resume work within 2-4 days after the surgery.

Hair Transplant Surgery Can Restore Your Naturally Growing Hair For Life:

  • When done right, the result is so natural that even a stylist cannot detect it.
  • Today hair restoration surgery is a one day out-patient procedure requiring only local anesthesia.
  • Most patients are surprised by how little discomfort, if any, they experience during and after surgery.
  • This site will help you learn how hair transplants work, what procedure is the most advanced and natural and which physicians worldwide perform outstanding hair restoration surgery
  • If you are considering a Hair Transplant? Be careful and learn from patients first
  • This site is published by hair transplant patients to help others get past the hype to find quality prescreened hair transplant surgeons in Canada, the USA, Europe/Asia and South America
  • Learn about hair loss remedies that actually work, view over 1,640 hair restoration photo albums and share info with actual patients on our active hair restoration discussion forum
  • This hair restoration community also provides in depth information on all hair loss treatments and videos and animations

Cost Of Hair Transplant in Karachi, Pakistan

The cost basically depends on certain factors;

  • The level of expertise of the surgeon
  • The technique/ method used for the procedure
  • The cost of disposables used to prevent disease transmission

At Aesthetic Shapes Karachi we aim at providing cutting edge procedure of hair transplant in Karachi, Pakistan. It is firmly prudent to visit us, and see how our master and qualified hair transplant specialists in Karachi, Pakistan are prepared to give you their hands. You can contact our expert; Dr. Syed Arif Hussain for a free online consultation on Skype on his Skype ID:  arifhussain72. You can call now and reserve your appointment for your queries/assessment and the best price quote for the world class hair transplant.

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary

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