
There aren’t words to express how grateful I am for your expertise, attention to detail, and perfection in my surgery …i am elated and overjoyed with my new

body and new body image … I am truly fortunate to have found a plastic surgeon of your skill here in Pakistan…

May Allah bless you and I wish you success in all you do …😊

once again thank you so much Dr. Arif Hussain 😇

Samreen Haider

Disclaimer: results can vary



Dr Arif Hussain Yes that’s the name, what else to call him? an artist or a doctor I would say an ARTISTIC DOCTOR, if you are looking for any sort of cosmetic/plastic surgery apart from numerous other relevant procedures he is the right choice for you.

I am from Islamabad employed and living in Dubai. My expedition started when I started looking online for a gynecomastia procedure, primarily I wanted to get it done from Dubai, but the procedures were overpriced, and the reviews were varied which comprised of many reviews with patients suffering from later complications and hitches, so I thought why not look for someone in my home country Pakistan? After weeks of research on google, YouTube Facebook I found only one CREDIBLE, TRUSTWORTHY, DEPENDABLE and RELIABLE name in plastic surgery that was Dr. ARIF HUSSAIN, I contacted him, and we had a very detailed discussion. All my inquiries and reservations were answered in the finest possible way by Dr. Arif and his assistant Dr. Sohail. I went to Karachi and did my procedure with excellent results, the procedure was the most advanced, cutting edge, modern and Dr. Arif’s unique latest techniques are just beyond words. The whole experience was marvelous under the supervision of Dr. Arif. He made me comfortable on each step of the surgery, a discussion session was done prior to the procedure, later an examination was done, and finally, the procedure part went fabulous there was no pain and we kept talking and trading different stories and jokes.

This all procedure ended up within 2 hours with exceptional grades and no complications at all, the next day follow-up was great, and I flew back to Dubai the 3rd day after treating myself at Do Darya Kababjees.

To sum-up I would say if you are really looking out for somebody who can deliver you with the best solutions when it comes to Plastic/cosmetic surgery you must need to visit none other than Dr. Arif Hussain because he is the best at what he does, a master of all traits in surgery and he makes it look so easy because of his expertise and experience with flawless results, apart from that you will feel hassle-free and assured in his presence because he is very proficient, I told him at the time of my procedure that DR SAAB MY COMFORT LEVEL JUMPS TO 200% WHEN YOU ARE AROUND. Simply you don’t need to worry when someone like him is around you. You just need to lay down and wait for the best results.

Apart from that I would like to mention that he is a great, humble and gentle human being May God Bless him, so all you guys inside or outside Pakistan you are lucky to have such a great artist available at your doorstep, just do not hesitate and leave it to Dr Saab and believe me you will never regret it. Thank you, Dr Arif Hussain and his team, for giving me a new confident look.

Keep up the Good work

Best regards AMJAD ALI (DUBAI)

email: amjadalirwp101@gmail.com

Disclaimer: results can vary




I’m a 32 years old male. Having a problem with Gynecomastia since high school when I was around 14. Somehow I managed all the school days but never enjoyed trips to the beach or swimming. And of course, jokes about my breasts were on the day list. I have had weight issues all my life. I was well overweight and going through depression. I changed my diet and my life around and lost over 30 kilos. But I cannot, for the life of me, lose my man breasts. I have tried every type of exercise to get rid of my man breasts and, no matter what, they’re always there. I couldn’t wear T-Shirts and Shirts without front pockets. A few months back came across Dr. ARIF HUSSAIN web page and started to read and look at the pictures of before and after male breast reduction. After reading the testimonials of previous patients I decided to take the first step and scheduled an appointment to see Dr. ARIF HUSSAIN. He described in detail what the procedure would be and what results I would get. I will say that after leaving his office in my mind I had already decided to go with him for the procedure. Dr. Arif Hussain is an extremely professional and personable Doctor with an obvious talent that exceeded all of my expectations. From the moment that he first checked me out, up until my last follow up appointment, I can see the care that he takes with his work and this transcends through the whole experience. I was quite hesitant and nervous about getting the procedure done, but because of Dr. Arif Hussain and his staff, the entire process was so smooth and easy that I cannot believe it is all finished and done. I can honestly say Dr. Arif Hussain has changed my life for the better! I would never even consider going to a different surgeon for any procedure in the future and I would highly recommend Dr. Arif Hussain Plastic Surgery for those who are on the fence.

Majeed  – Gynecomastia Patient – 03083211600

Disclaimer: Results can vary


Dr. Arif is a thorough professional and a fantastic plastic and cosmetic surgeon. He performed FUT on me last summer and now in 9 months’ time the results are remarkable. I strongly recommend Dr. Arif as one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Pakistan

“Rehan Sami”, Director of Solutions Architecture at Etisalat, UAE


Disclaimer: results can vary


I was researching about potential weight loss and body contouring procedures in Pakistan due to my body stoping any response to exercise and diet routines, I lost around 35 kgs. I was basically stuck with a lot of embarrassing fat hanging down my tummy like an apron, and severe gynecomastia Then I found Dr. Arif online, after researching what Abdominoplasty and gynecomastia reduction procedures are and how they are done. I approached the Doctor at DHA clinics and he assessed my situation, he was so extremely polite and professional that I immediately decided to get both procedures done in the following two days.

On the day of the surgery, the Doctor marked me and prepared me for surgery and after receiving general anesthesia I woke up afterward in recovery.

I thought to myself no way it would be this easy, but yes the Doctor made it, at least to me as easy and comfortable as possible.

The staff was so polite and helpful that I literally couldn’t complain about anything.

The Doctor placed two drains that were removed in two days after the surgery.

Now I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op and am ecstatic about the results. I’m feeling very confident about my body and can fit into 2 sizes smaller clothes.


Dr. Arif and his staff were amazing with the followups and recovery as well. I recommend anyone who is thinking about Plastic surgery to please go to him because in my opinion, he’s the best around, and trust me you will get your money’s worth.

If you have doubts and concerns feel free to contact me for more information.

“Ghazanfar Ali ” +923008229386

Disclaimer: results can vary

Dr Arif Hussain has changed my life. I always been so conscious about the chest fat that I never wore fitting shirts or felt comfortable taking it off. I always felt depressed about myself. I experienced this problem when I was in my teenage but couldn’t do anything about it and stayed with me for a long time. I wanted to go for surgery but was sacred so I delayed the time. Recently I made up my mind to go for surgery so I did a lot of research on the doctors for the procedure I was highly interested in and found out from my acquaintances that Dr. Arif Hussain is the best doctor for this kind of surgery.

He has many years of experience and had all the credentials I was looking for. When I visited Dr. Arif Hussain for a consultation I felt confident and all the nervousness faded away. He understood what I wanted and felt satisfied. His staff was very cooperative and supportive in every step of my procedure and during the surgery. After I got done with my surgery I took off my garment and saw my chest was flattened from the front and side and giving me the best results. Literally I had a brand new body.

I never felt so amazing before and feeling is indescribable. I would like to show my gratitude to Mr. Dr. Arif Hussain for doing a great job and taking well care of me through every step of my surgery. He is very friendly doesn’t make you feel like a patient and the experience was wonderful with him I highly recommend all those who want the best results. Dr. Arif Hussain is the best choice.

“Zain Shaikh”

Disclaimer: Results can vary

Gynecomastia surgery has made my life more comfortable. After being in denial of the condition, and even learning to cope with the numerous cons of the disease, like ridicule and a very limited wardrobe, I decided to seek help. I read about Dr. Arif from a website. After contacting him through Skype and taking complete surety of the treatment, I decided to finally approach my father about the procedure, which was the most daunting part of the process. He showed support and agreed almost immediately. The procedure itself was surprisingly the easiest part. I returned home the same day and was almost pain-free by the end of it. After several months I realized how essential that decision was. The most gratifying part is being able to do what most people take for granted, like sitting comfortably without constantly adjusting my shirt, or not being insecure about every stare. For those who are indecisive or anxious about the procedure, I highly recommend going through with it, and my very positive experience should be a testament to how capable Dr. Arif is as a surgeon.


+92-336-236 4944

Disclaimer: Results can vary

Gynaecomastia was a nightmare for me. I was looking for an expert cosmetic surgeon in Pakistan and fortunately came across Dr.Arif Hussain. he was in Canada at that time. After having a few skype sessions with Dr. Arif he assured me for best cosmetic results and 24hrs recovery time for gynecomastia surgery. Despite of living and working abroad (UAE), i managed to take off days out of my busy schedule and went to Pakistan (Karachi) for gynecomastia surgery. It was less than 2 hours of surgery, i was treated as an outpatient and sent home in a few hours. The results were remarkable, i wake up as new person with no more manboobs.I wear a chest compression garment for 3 weeks after surgery. I gained confidence and peace of mind after this surgery. Now i can wear T-shirts, vests , goto beach, give presentations in front of team members and clients etc. i feel no more different than a normal human and more than that… no more hiding ! if you have any queries related to gynecomastia surgery and recovery period feel free to contact me


Disclaimer: Results can vary




Gynaecomatia was a night mare for me I have tried every things the pills cardio exercises but nothing works so I decided to go for surgery and then I search for surgeon to get rid of this problem and came across Dr Arif Hussain and I went to him get check up dicuss this and after two hour.surgery I foud that I have no longer this problem and now I can wear fitting cloth west with out any hesitation




Disclaimer: results can vary

I had gynecomastia since the age of 15. It was very depressing for me to always walk while leaning my shoulders in front and hunching my back to hide flabby chest. In our Pakistani culture it’s not normal to talk about these kind of issues with anyone but unfortunately its normal to make fun of those who face these kind of problems. At the age of 18 I started searching about fatty chests and from their got to know that it’s called gynecomastia. Since the day one I knew that only solution to this problem was surgery but for a teenager or anyone else it’s very difficult to accept it easily.

So I started working on other alternate solutions like spot exercising, special diet plans, bought online books and exercising plans but nothing worked. After that I lost hope and never had courage to go for surgery as I didn’t have enough money to fly out from Pakistan had it done and on the other side I was scared to do it in Pakistan as I didn’t know any credible and experienced doctor in the area. After that on and off I kept on reading about gynecomastia and joined a forum called www.realself.com. I use to receive weekly success stories and queries of gynecomastia effected people which started giving me courage. One night I was going through the success stories and I came across one from Pakistan. He wrote his whole journey on how he visited almost all known gynecomastia surgeons in pakistan and at the end he did his surgery by a Dr. named Syed Arif Hussain, I don’t know how but instantly it gave me courage to come out of denial state and do something to fix my problem.

I called at Dr Arif’s clinic, as Dr. was in Canada so they fixed a skype session for me. After examining, Dr. Arif told me its a true gynecomastia and it can be fixed in one hour surgery. He gave me enough confidence to go for it by sharing pictures of his previous surgeries which really boosted up my confidence I went into the surgery with a few reservations, namely a fear of pain and worry about the length of the recovery process. The pain was nowhere near as bad as I thought, it did hurt, but this was surgery. The only way I can describe the recovery process is annoying, nothing horrible, just annoying, although the feeling of finally being able to take off the compression vest and seeing the new me was incredible to say the least. As soon as I was able to get rid of compression vest my clothing options opened immensely, there’s nothing to be seen through a white shirt.

To anyone worried about surgery, don’t be. It’s a fairly easy and painless process, and the results will last much longer than any scaring or discomfort you might experience. Overall best investment, this surgery has been the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life. The only regret i have is that why i kept carrying extra glads on my body for 13 years and didnt went through it before.I am glad Alhamd-o-lillah i found the right doctor otherwise things might have gone worst

My only advice if you havn’t decided to live with flabby chest for your whole life than there is no logical reason left to delay the surgery for even one day.

“Naeem Khalid”

Disclaimer: results can vary