Do You Need A Tummy Tuck After Liposuction?

Who doesn’t want to flaunt a flat stomach in a fitted suit or crop top? Everyone, obviously! But that doesn’t look so easy to get rid of all those layers of flab and stretched skin. Even after losing inches around the waist, if you’re in a no-win situation to have your dream figure, then you are definitely on the right page. If you are planning to get liposuction, or you already got one, here are some things you need to consider after that. When it comes to achieving your desired look, you might also explore options like Tummy Tuck In Pakistan to complement your journey. Additionally, a common concern many have is, ‘Does belly fat come back after a tummy tuck?‘ And for mothers wondering, ‘Can Women Get A Tummy Tuck After C-Section?‘ Let’s explore these questions further.

Liposuction vs. Tummy tuck


First, you need to know what the difference between these two procedures is. For a brief description, have a look here:

Liposuction is used to get rid of those fat bags under the skin. If you are overweight or obese then you go for this procedure to take out all that extra cushion inside you.

On the flips side, Tummy tuck is there to tighten the muscles and skin but it doesn’t help with the fat that much.

What Does Liposuction Do?


You might be tired of working too hard but still not losing the fat around your abdomen. Well, if this is the case, you must not feel alone as liposuction is becoming most opted cosmetic surgery around the globe.

Actually, liposuction sucks out the subcutaneous fat that is stored beneath your skin. So, it might not help with those huge numbers on weighing scale but it definitely gets you back in shape.

What Liposuction Doesn’t Do?


As already mentioned, liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. It may help lose some weight but not any subsequent change would be there on weigh scale.

Moreover, liposuction doesn’t help with the loose skin, stretch marks or bulged out stomach that may be present due to the weakened abdominal wall.

For that purpose the other procedure; tummy tuck, is used by cosmetic or plastic surgeons.

Why Is Skin A Concern?


When you start gaining weight or adding on fats in your body, it’s not only the fat cells that increase or replicate. Along with the fat cells, the body starts making space, for all that extra baggage you are putting in, by growing around the skin area.

Our skin is an elastic organ with an ability to stretch as much as required to support whatever is inside it. Just like when it grows during pregnancy to support all the extra space required for baby, similarly it also grows when fats are depositing inside.

Notably, similar to any stretchable material, our skin is also capable of getting back to its shape if stretched to a lesser extent. And vice versa it may lose its elasticity along the time or after being stretched too far.

That results in loose or sagged skin even after person loses fat inside as faced by many women after pregnancy.

What Happens To The Skin After Liposuction?


In fact, skin responds in two ways after liposuction in different patients. Either it will get back to its shape or, the horrible nightmare; it would sag and hang around your abdomen.

In most cases, when small ounces of fat cells are removed from the problematic area, the skin retracts itself in some time if provided good hydration and care.

But on other hand, there are few scenarios in which the latter (loose skin) would happen:

  • If you got large ounces of fat cells removed from under the skin in liposuction.
  • If your skin isn’t elastic enough due to old age or any other condition

When Do You Need Both Liposuction And Tummy Tuck?

If you were obese or near to obese previously with a plan to get a bag full of fat cells out of your body by liposuction, you might make your mind for what to expect afterward.

After having abdominal liposuction you might end up with some loose hanging skin if your skin wasn’t elastic enough and didn’t retract after suction. You would have definitely lost some pounds on weigh scale and your waist would be smaller but that saggy skin or stretch marks might be a problem for you. In such scenarios, liposuction alone isn’t enough to get that dreamy look.

Here comes the other procedure if you are frustrated on ending up looking like a deflated balloon after losing all that extra fat.

Has wearing a slim fit dress become nightmare to you? That’s when tummy tuck comes to rescue your confidence.

Luckily, tummy tuck helps with all the extra hanging skin and tightens the stomach making it flat and smooth as you always dreamed.

How Long Do You Need To Wait Before Getting A Tummy Tuck After Liposuction?

As everyone is born with a unique body and skin, likewise post-surgery recovery also differs for everyone. But knowing your body that much is not a piece of cake and no layman can understand what mysteries are hidden inside his body. To avoid any risks one should always consult an experienced surgeon in such matters.

Anyhow to give a broader range, it is considered safe to have tummy tuck 4-6 months after liposuction. As body tissues usually heal themselves in this time.

Does It Leave A Scar?

Worried about the scar after the tummy tuck? You would be relieved to know that the incision made in tummy tuck is below bikini line which slowly fades away.

So, don’t worry about wearing any type of dress after tummy tuck. The confidence you lost with the sagging belly will definitely come back with a tightened skin and flat stomach.

We Are Here To Help:

Dr. Arif Hussain provides an optimum platform at aesthetics shape for everyone to consult a renowned and well-experienced cosmetic and plastic surgeon for any query.

If you still have any query or need a personalized consultation, we are alwayson service to help with it. Get benefit from experience and skills of the only CSASP (Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) member in Pakistan who is known to work to his perfection. Feel free to book an appointment or consultation with qualified plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Arif Hussain.

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