Tag: liposuction


Make Your Dream Body a Reality With Liposuction

Introduction: Dr Arif Hussain and his team use specialized liposuction techniques. These techniques allow for the removal of localized fatty tissue from one or multiple body areas. The popularity of liposuction is due to its safety and quick results. Procedure and Skill: Liposuction is a fantastic contouring procedure. It’s not a procedure for weight loss. […]


What Are The Possible Surgery Options For Excess Arm Skin, Wobbly Or Saggy Upper Arms?

What Are The Possible Surgery Options For Excess Arm Skin, Wobbly Or Saggy Upper Arms?   At a certain time in life, you may find that your skin is not as elastic as it once was. Wobbly or sagging upper arm skin along your triceps is a part of the skin aging process. Liposuction in […]



It appears that you’ve provided some text related to liposuction in Karachi, Pakistan. If you have specific questions or need information about liposuction in Karachi or related topics, please feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide you with relevant information or answer any inquiries you may have. What Is Liposuction? Liposuction […]


Top Questions Asked About Liposuction In Pakistan

In this advancing world of today, who is not aware of liposuction? Whenever we hear about weight reduction through cosmetic surgery, the first procedure to cross our minds is liposuction. In this procedure, there occur emulsification and then sucking out of excess fat from the body. Liposuction in Karachi, Pakistan is gaining popularity as an […]


Facts about Face Liposuction

We have more options available for keeping our faces looking younger and more vibrant for longer than ever before. Some options are non-invasive, while others are minimally invasive; it all depends on the type and amount of rejuvenation required to meet your goals. Botox and fillers can effectively reduce lines and wrinkles by targeting areas […]


Flank Liposuction

In cosmetic procedures, Love Handle liposuction is popular for individuals seeking to refine their physique. Dr. Arif Hussain, a renowned practitioner in Pakistan, specializes in addressing these stubborn areas of fat accumulation, known as flanks, with precision and expertise. Liposuction offers a transformative solution to sculpting a more contoured silhouette, Whether the male flanks above the belt […]


Maintain Your Liposuction !

Some people believe that they will no longer have to exercise and maintain a proper diet after liposuction. Unfortunately, this is not the case. While liposuction is an excellent way to reduce excess body fat in specific areas, the removal of fat cells is by no means a guarantee against future weight gain. The cells […]


Trends of cosmetic procedure in younger generation!!

What younger generation is seeking in cosmetic surgery in Pakistan is now an important debate in cosmetic industry. More and more teens and young adults are visiting Aesthetic surgeons for procedures. Most common procedure like Liposuction, Fat Transfer, Fillers Vaginoplasty and Hair Transplant.   In west young patients are commonly visiting for vaginoplasty and Fillers. In our […]


Liposuction with Candy crush !!!!

Yes but true using games with such procedure will helps the surgeon to do his job. Iam utilizing the full advantage of technology as for the aesthetic side and form the smarts phone like new gadgets.  I do a lot of liposuction in Pakistan under local anesthesia or IV sedation small areas like chin jaw […]



Very difficult to understand how to categorize this running cosmetic procedure Into luxury or necessity.  Liposuction being mostly performed cosmetic procedure world wide  is making new invention in terms of modern machinery and equipment.
