Wonders of FUE Hair Transplant or the credit goes to Plastic Surgery

No wonder!  Plastic Surgery has done wonders in beauty industry, though Plastic Surgery is 85 percent reconstructive and 15 percent deals with Aesthetics. Among the 15 percent there is a procedure name Hair Transplant which is now a days is a booming cosmetic procedure globally.

There are now two kinds of surgical procedure available one is called FUT means follicle unit transplant in which there is a strip harvesting is carried out and wound is close with suture material. Other is FUE means follicular unit extraction where there is no harvesting and suture involved.

Today we are performing FUE procedure on Mr. Talal , he had a history of burn on his cheek and mustache area.  Skin graft was placed long time back on his cheek. We have transplanted almost 1000, graft all taken out via FUE procedure without cutting and suturing.

The procedure is very simple graft are taken out from the back of the hair by small punches come in different sizes, recovery is fast and rapid. Patient can come again after three days for other sessions as well. We can take out up to 3000 hair follicles depending the density of the donor area.

Here enjoy the music and watch the video.



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