
Liposculpture Vs. Liposuction, Are These Two Cosmetic Procedures Similar?

Liposculpture Vs. Liposuction – Are These Two Cosmetic Procedures Similar?

If you are looking to get plastic surgery done, particularly in Karachi, Pakistan, then you must have heard about the two most common procedures that are: liposuction and liposculpture. But how can you know which one out of these two will suit you best? For that, you would have to understand their differences and similarities, especially when considering Liposuction in Karachi, Pakistan.

As a matter of fact, plastic surgery has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Everybody wants to look their best, and for those considering Liposuction in Karachi, Pakistan, it’s essential to be well-informed. Most common procedures aim to remove that stubborn excess fat which dieting and exercising could not eliminate.

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What’s Liposuction?


It is a traditional cosmetic procedure that aims to remove large fat deposits mostly on the areas of:

  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Upper arm
  • And lower legs

It is normally known as “lipo”, “lipoplastic” or “lipectomy”. The cosmetic surgeons perform it under general anesthesia. It contours the body giving it more definition and shape. When considering surgery options for excess arm skin, wobbly or saggy upper arms, patients often wonder about the recovery process. The patients are allowed to work after undergoing a few days of downtime. They can completely return to their lives after 2-4 months depending upon the recovery process.

 What’s Liposculpture?


This cosmetic procedure is a variation of the traditional procedure that is liposuction. It is used to remove fat on more specific and smaller areas that require more muscle definition rather than contouring:

  • Stomach
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Arms

It is also referred to as “tumescent liposuction”. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. And after the fat is removed using very thin metal tubes, the surgeon can transfer it to any other part of the body that requires fat. This is also called “lipo filling”. Depending upon the recovery process, the downtime is generally far less than in liposuction.

Similarities Between Liposuction And Liposculpture:


  1. Many people confuse these two terms because of their common goal. Both of these cosmetic procedures aim to give a positive body image by removing stubborn fat deposits.
  2. Both of these procedures are performed by using small cannulas.
  3. Both the procedures are safe and cause minimal or almost no scarring after the incisions are completely healed.
  4. The surgeon makes the incisions a little far from the target area. In these incisions, the small cannulas are then inserted. So you can say that the entire procedure is generally the same as well.
  5. After the procedure, the patient has to wear a tight-fitting compression garment to keep everything in its place. it also reduces swelling and contours the skin and tissue by compressing them.

Differences Between Liposuction And Liposculpture:

Despite their similarities, the two procedures are relatively different.



Liposuction uses general anesthesia or IV seduction. It comes with its risk but in the hands of a qualified surgeon, you will need not worry about anything. General anesthesia allows the surgeon to remove large fat deposits at once.

Whereas, liposculpture uses local anesthesia which means that you will be awake during the procedure. But that does not mean it will hurt more. The target area is completely numbed.  It is a typically safe procedure with minimum chances of any complication.

Local anesthesia also helps in keeping swelling and bleeding up to the minimum level.

Recovery Time:


The recovery time for liposuction can extend up to months. So if you are planning to go for it then it’s probably best to take a few days off work. It will be weeks when you get back to normal exercising and months for the wounds to heal completely.

Whereas in liposculpture, bruising and swelling subside only after a few days.

The downtime is very short for liposculpture therefore it appears much more attractive to patients who have a busy schedule. Comparatively The procedure is much simpler therefore doesn’t require more time to recover.



Liposuction gives more in-depth body toning by removing large amounts of fat, especially in the hips and abdomen areas. It contours the body shape.

If you are looking for minimal surgery to get the best and precise results, then liposculpture will suit you more. It sculpts and reshapes the body. It enhances the muscles.

Which One Suits You Best?

To carry out any sort of procedure, you will need to consult a specialized and qualified surgeon. He will then guide you through the whole price. And then you can judge yourself with his help, which procedure to go through.

If you want to get specific results and you don’t need to remove that much fat, then liposculpture will meet your needs.

But if you need to get rid of a lot of stubborn fat pockets then you will need to go for liposuction. The surgeon will execute both techniques in the same way. So you know what to expect.

There are always fewer chances of possible scarring and better results with a fine cannula. So it is extremely important to choose an experienced surgeon for the job to get the maximum out of your procedure such as the award-winning cosmetic surgeon Dr. Arif Hussain.


Both procedures have their benefits and different aspects so it will be wise to consult with your surgeon in detail. Both these procedures are not alternate methods to lose weight. They are aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. That means that you will need to maintain your body weight in the future otherwise you will start getting those fat pockets again.

Nonetheless, they strive to achieve that ideal body image and contribute to improving the quality of your life. All you need to do afterward is to maintain a healthy lifestyle to achieve the best results for a long period.


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Cosmetic Surgeon