Cosmetic surgery has become more advance and becoming directly proportional to patients needs and demand.
Men and women are now adopting more easy and non invasive ways for cosmetic procedures. But there are many procedures that can only be done invasively, among is tummy tuck which is suppose to be the most running body contouring procedure .
Tummy tuck is done when their is fat hanging below your umbilicus or you rectus muscle become lose. This usually happen for a women when she gives birth and also in men when they lose weight. Your lower belly becomes ugly and pendulous.
Tummy tuck is the right choice for such kind of bellies.
24hr recovery tummy tuck is a latest procedure which can be done even when patient is awake and can leave home in hrs. Patient selection is very important and those who have more fat or if their BMI is more than 35% of their body weight are not the good candidate.
Safe Lipo procedure is also added with tummy tuck to remove the extra fat from the belly.
Procedure is done under local anesthesia with minimal IV sedation,
But you will be awake and breathing normally.
First the belly area in injected with local tumescent solution and their is a wait for half an hr approximate for drug to act. After that liposuction is done with SAFELipo procedure and extra fat is sucked out.
After the suction of fat a incision is made at the naval or a bikini incision, the skin and a fat Falp is raised completely till the belly button and tunneling till the sternum.
A new umbilicus is made as well so it should not come too low.
Now before tightening the muscle Marcane or the bupicane a local anesthetic is injected to prevent the pain but during all the time we are injecting IV sedation periodically.
The extra fat and the skin flap is resected and sutures are place nicely. The whole procedure can lead up to 3hrs to 4hrs and patient is dressed up antiseptically, he or she can leave the clinic or hospital in 3hrs.
24hr recovery tummy tuck can be done safely under local anesthesia & the surgeon has to council the patient properly regarding the outcome and also has to select the right candidate for that.
Plastic surgery has done wonders in the cosmetic field and made life more easy and comfortable for us.