Beautiful Smile Waiting for You!!! – Ultimate Lip Reduction


Many Men and Women undergo lip augmentation to increase the size of the Upper and Lower ever, there are some people out there that feel that their lips are too large, individuals that have large lips may feel self-conscious about their appearance.

The good news is that there is a cosmetic surgery procedure called lip reduction to bring down the size of the lips so they are in proportion with the rest of your face.


How is lips reduction performed?
Oversize and bulky lips can be reduced to aesthetically pleasing size and shape by lip reduction technique which is achieved through an incision on the inside of the lip and the extra bulk of tissue is removed through it. It is a quick in office procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation.


How long will recovery take after lip correction?
It takes 1-2 weeks to resolve the swelling completely and to see the final outcomes. Yo can go home on the same day of your surgery and resume the normal activities right away, this procedure involves zero time and no visible scars.


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