
Maintain Your Liposuction !

Some people believe that they will no longer have to exercise and maintain a proper diet after liposuction. Unfortunately, this is not the case. While liposuction is an excellent way to reduce excess body fat in specific areas, the removal of fat cells is by no means a guarantee against future weight gain. The cells that are removed during liposuction will not regenerate. However, patients may find that if they do not make alterations to their exercise and diet routines after liposuction, they are more apt to gain weight in areas of their bodies that were not previously problematic.

The most successful and satisfied patients are those who use their liposuction as motivation to develop healthier eating and exercise habits. In fact, patients who do not follow a healthy diet or exercise routine after liposuction are far more likely to gain weight again.

Healthy Diet
Because each patient has individual nutritional and lifestyle needs, there is no set diet that a person should follow after liposuction. Many patients use liposuction as a way to jump-start a healthier lifestyle, using their physical and financial investment in the procedure as motivation to take better care of their bodies. In general, patients should eat plenty of lean protein, calcium-rich dairy products, fresh produce, and whole grains. They should also increase their water consumption and cut back on processed foods. For more personalized diet advice, patients may want to consider visiting with a nutritionist.

Exercise is important because it helps keep off excess pounds and increases muscle definition. Regular physical activity can also have enormous benefits for overall wellness, decreasing the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression. There is no need for liposuction patients to suddenly take on an extreme exercise routine. However, they should engage in some type of physical activity at least 5 days a week. Good choices include jogging, walking, biking, yoga, swimming, dance classes, and similar activities. Combined with proper diet, regular exercise can help patients keep their figures trim and toned.


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