Different Types of Tummy Tuck : Which One to Choose?

Tummy Tuck surgery is a surgical method to attain a symmetric and youthful body shape for those individuals seeking to get rid of the saggy, lax skin of their mid abdominal section. A lot of people might opt to get a tummy tuck surgery when they have tried their hands on extensive exercise regimens and rigorous dieting to get rid of stubborn fat pockets in their body but all their efforts have gone in vain.

Now that you have decided to get a Tummy Tuck surgery, you may be inclined to get what is called a “Mini-tuck”. A lot of patients who are candidates for abdominoplasty ask their plastic surgeons if a mini tuck would be the appropriate treatment of choice for them since it is a shorter procedure and requires less of a recovery time than a full-blown abdominoplasty, also the idea of a less extensive scar is pretty compelling. Nevertheless, every patient has different needs and result aspirations, therefore a ‘mini-tuck’ may not be well suited for all patients, conversely, they may need “full abdominoplasty” to achieve their desired result.

Candidates having a significant protrusion of excess skin, fat and abdominal muscle are more suited to get a full abdominoplasty. On the other hand, patients having small pouch like protrusion distal to the umbilicus may benefit from a mini-tuck or a modified tummy tuck designed to suit their needs. This article seeks to impart the knowledge of the different types of tummy tuck that Dr. Arif Hussain performs in his day to day practice and hopes that his patients would benefit by reading this before choosing their own procedure.

So, the first question that may arise is which Tummy Tuck would be most successful in giving the results of your choice. The answer lies in your own body anatomy and expectations.

The following areas are targeted in an abdominoplasty

The deeper muscles of the abdomen: Those patients who have a weak abdominal wall due to persistent stretching for years cannot regain this strength simply be exercising and require muscle diastasis repair.

  1. Fat layer above muscle: As a consequence of age, multiple pregnancies, hormonal imprints and heredity, patients may develop a thick layer of fat deposit.
  2. Overlying skin: Wrinkling of the skin and stretch marks from pregnancy may be undesirable.

Types of Tummy Tuck procedures performed by Dr. Hussain:

  1. LIPOABDOMINOPLASTY (The Extensive Tummy Tuck):

This is commonly known as a Full Tummy Tuck since it adjoins a liposuction with a tummy tuck and is the real deal. This type of Tummy Tuck provides a radical body transformation and is often referred to as “the gold standard”. Dr. Hussain most often prefers to perform this procedure since his patients may get the most out of tummy tuck in this procedure.

Patients having large lax skin with a loose muscle diastasis would get a secure and flat abdomen through this procedure. Through a ‘lipoabdominoplasty’, you can remove 2-4 inches worth of bulk from your abdomen. Dr. Hussain will suction out all the additional fat and lose skin via liposuction. Thereafter he will plicate the muscle diastasis to strengthen and repair the lose abdominal wall. This results in a “bikini line” scar which may be buried below the undergarment panty.

-The ‘No Drain’ Tuck: This alternative of a tummy tuck requires the surgeon to apply special suturing techniques which allow the drains to be disregarded.


This kind of a tummy tuck is best suited for those individuals with a loose skin and fat deposits despite having a strengthened abdominal wall. The Mini Tummy Tuck requires a much smaller incision; about 4-8 inches in length stretching along the bikini line. A relatively smaller amount of skin may be excised through this process adjoining a liposuction of small pockets of fat. Sometimes, lower belly muscles may be reinforced through suturing. Therefore, it is considered a less common surgical procedure compared to a full tummy tuck.

A variation of the ‘Mini-Tummy tuck’ is the ‘Limited Tummy Tuck’. It is also referred to as a ‘modified tummy tuck’ or a ‘mid tummy tuck’. The characteristic difference is the incision which is a bit lengthier. This variation is ideal for patients with a good abdomen tone of the upper region but an out pouching of skin on the lower torso.


Also known as a “Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty”, this category of a tummy tuck is sought by patients with a circumferential loose skin extending around the abdominal area including the upper chest and back. For this procedure Dr. Hussain will horizontally place the incision comparable to the incision of a full tummy tuck. Additionally, a vertical mid line cut would be made to allow removal of extra skin. This sort of Tummy Tuck can do wonders for patients who have lose skin throughout their abdomen and upper chest.


As the name suggests this variation of tummy tuck targets the sagging flanks more efficiently. The candidates suffer from loose skin around the lateral trunk which may be removed by a long incision extending through 3/4th of the body.


The Belt Lipectomy is another variation of the Tummy Tuck whereby Dr. Hussain removes a “belt” comprised of excess skin and fatty deposits are excised circumstantially across the lower abdomen. Being akin to the Full Tummy Tuck, this is more extensive since it requires a lengthy incision running throughout the entire lower trunk. Such a condition is normally exhibited by weight loss patients with lax skin.


This is a further step in addition to a simple Belt Lipectomy and includes a vertical incision along the mid-line. This surgical approach is rather aggressive and is reserved for patients who have undergone substantial weight loss.


The Reverse Tummy Tuck, as the name implies reverses the usual target areas for a tummy tuck which is the lower abdomen and focuses on the upper abdomen. Dr. Hussain places an incision along the bra line to remove the lax skin from the upper torso. This may be accompanied by breast lift operation but not always.


Now that you know the different kinds of Tummy Tuck, you can orient your expectations accordingly. Most of the time, a Full Tummy Tuck with Liposuction is the best approach for excellent results. Moreover, Dr. Hussain will guide you through the consultation process to help you in choosing the right Tummy Tuck according to your own body type.It’s time to book your Free Consultation with Dr Arif Hussain right away by filling up the form below:

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