Can Gynecomastia Be Treated With Creams Or Surgery Is A Must?

Gynecomastia Before and After Results
Gynecomastia before and after results by Dr Arif Hussain

Today, we are delving into two distinct approaches for the treatment of gynecomastia in Karachi: breast reduction creams and surgery. Shockingly, many individuals may be living with gynecomastia without realizing it’s a medical condition and remain unaware of available treatments.

Before we explore these treatment methods, let’s establish some fundamental information about gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males, often resulting in a more feminine chest appearance. It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions.

For those seeking effective solutions, two primary avenues are often considered: breast reduction creams and surgical intervention. If you’re interested in professional guidance regarding Gynecomastia Surgery in Karachi, Pakistan

Additionally, it’s crucial to understand the potential consequences of not addressing gynecomastia in its early stages. Neglecting treatment may lead to complications, and you can learn more about this by visiting What Happens If Gynecomastia Is Not Treated In Early Stages?.

Furthermore, if you are specifically dealing with puffy nipples or Type 1 gynecomastia, there are tailored solutions available. Explore insights on How To Get Rid Of Puffy Nipples Or Type 1 Gynecomastia for a comprehensive understanding of your options.

In conclusion, raising awareness about gynecomastia and its treatment options is crucial for individuals seeking resolution and a more confident, comfortable life.

What Is Gynecomastia Surgery In Karachi Pakistan?                                        

Breast enlargement in men is known as gynecomastia. Most men would experience it during puberty, however, this can occur at any stage of life.

Young Boys and men are often bullied and feel humiliated because of this condition but they don’t know that it is a medical condition. The best part is it is completely treatable if you know the underlying cause.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

In fact, gynecomastia is caused by hormonal imbalance. Both male and female bodies produce sex hormones namely estrogen (Female sex hormone) and testosterone (male sex hormone).

Nevertheless, estrogen levels are very low in men and testosterone levels are high and dominating. The reverse goes for women.

So, if estrogen levels go up in men that might cause enlargement of breasts.

Apart from that, obesity can also cause gynecomastia as estrogen is a fat-based hormone.

Gynecomastia Treatment In Karachi Pakistan:

At times, gynecomastia goes away on its own. Nonetheless, some of its types need proper treatment including:

  • Medication: Your doctor might prescribe medication to regulate your hormonal levels.
  • Creams: Topical breast reduction creams are one popular treatment option. This works by reducing the growth of fat cells around the breast area
  • Gynecomastia Surgery: Surgical removal of enlarged breast tissue.

True Gynecomastia And False Gynecomastia:

An obstacle in gynecomastia treatment also occurs because there are two types of gynecomastia; true gynecomastia and false gynecomastia. Didn’t know about these two types before? Let’s have a deep dive.

True gynecomastia refers to enlarged breast tissue due to hormonal imbalance.

On the other hand, false gynecomastia is when there is an excess fat deposit in the chest area which appears like male boobs.

At times you are unable to differentiate between both and go for the wrong treatment. That is why You should always consult a well-trained professional cosmetic surgeon for treatment.

Wondering about gynecomastia treatment in Karachi, Pakistan? Here, we are going to discuss the two most popular treatment methods for gynecomastia in detail and see which is more effective;

1.    Gynecomastia Creams:

Many people tend to go for over-the-counter available breast reduction creams or lotions.

Working Principle:

Over-the-counter-available creams for breast reduction usually work by reducing excess fat in the chest area. It inhibits fat growth around the breast tissue.

Notably, this might work for false gynecomastia but does not affect breast tissue.

Pros Of Using Creams:

Some pros of using breast creams are as follows:

  • They are easily available
  • It is a cheap treatment for gynecomastia

Cons Of Using Creams:

Some cons of using breast creams are inclusive of the following:

  • It only works on fat cells and does not affect breast tissue.
  • Because it is readily available, people start using it on their own. Do keep in mind that gynecomastia is a medical condition so, only a professional consultant should recommend suitable treatment.
  • There are no guaranteed results and even if some fat goes away It is not long-lasting and will come back.

2. Gynecomastia Surgery:

The most reliable treatment method for gynecomastia is the surgical correction of enlarged breasts. Now, some people try to avoid it because no one is comfortable going under the knife.

Believe it or not, it is a safe and 100% permanent solution to gynecomastia.

Working Principle:

 The two types of gynecomastia surgeries performed are as follows;

  1. Liposuction:

 If gynecomastia is of false type and breast enlargement is because of fat deposits, liposuction is the best solution.

  • Your surgeon will make a small incision under the breast.
  • Next, he will inject a fluid to emulsify the fat.
  • The next step includes sucking out of all liquified fat through a small vacuum-like Capula.
  1. Mastectomy:

For true gynecomastia, mastectomy is the best solution.

In this procedure, your surgeon will cut off excess breast tissue surgically. Leaving you flat-chested and giving you a more masculine look.

Sometimes a combination of both surgeries is also used for the correction of any unevenness.

Pros Of Surgical Procedure:

The good part of getting gynecomastia surgery done is:

  • Surgery will remove not only fat but any excess breast tissue
  • You’ll get 100% guaranteed and long-lasting results
  • It will also correct any unevenness in chest tissues and give you a more masculine look and feel

Cons Of Surgical Procedure:

The only negative part of getting gynecomastia surgery done is some postoperative side effects. What else?

  • Swelling, bruising, and pain will go away in a few days and you’ll start seeing your desired results.
  • Some people are scared of getting an ugly scar after surgery. With so much advancement in cosmetic surgery, your surgeon will manage to perform this surgery with minimal scarring.

Moreover, there methods are effective to remove even a trace of the scar.

To Wrap Up:

At this juncture, we can conclude that creams are not an effective method for the treatment of gynecomastia.

You might feel a little hesitant about getting Gynecomastia surgery, however, it is the best solution to your male boobs.

And if you are consulting a well-reputed, highly trained, and experienced cosmetic surgeon, you can forget all your worries.


About Us:

Are you looking to get your Gynecomastia treatment in Karachi done correctly? Want to have a great looking ear. Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully.  With having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and after performing hundreds of successful ear corrections, he will not disappoint you.He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, more than 20 years of experience. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction. So, let your dream of having desirable ears come true by coming in contact with us today. Please get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.

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