Tummy Tuck Recovery: How to Speed It Up?

When planning a Tummy Tuck Surgery for yourself it is important to plan out the recovery process beforehand. There are several factors determining your recovery which include the age at which you go under the knife, your general health and BMI. The type of tummy tuck is also a decisive factor.

After a surgery, one may be motivated to bounce back to their regular routine, however before doing that you must give apt time for their body to heal. After the procedure, the cosmetic surgeon would either counsel you to stay in the hospital for a few hours or maybe overnight or longer if need be. The time spent in the hospital is just the start of your recovery journey.

Your Recovery Timeline:

You want you to have plenty of time on your hands after your surgery to complete your recovery, maybe even take time off from your regular schedule to rest at home. Therefore, it is imperative that you make all the necessary arrangements beforehand so you can save yourself the trouble post-op.

The drains placed inside your body are here to stay for a few days so you’ll be demonstrated how to take care of them. You may be prescribed antibiotics and anticoagulants too. For a period of about 6 weeks you can wear compression garments to avoid accumulation of fluid and seroma formation, as well as to give support to your new body.

A mini-tuck may be lesser extensive of the tucks but you still need to steer away from stressing your body through exercise or lifting loads of weight.

What you will be told to do after surgery:

The following are the instructions that you will be provided before you leave the hospital:

  1. Taking care of the drain tubes and incisions
  2. Identifying infections
  3. Measures to cut down physical strain
  4. When to return for a follow up
  5. Time period to wear the compression garments
  6. Resting time period
  7. Eating schedule

You are advised not to drive yourself to home after surgery and ask for someone to help take care of you for few days. You may take a shower after 48 hours post removal of drainage tubes. Meanwhile, taking a sponge bath is a good alternative to showering. You’ll have to take the prophylactic antibiotics and anticoagulants. Dr. Hussain also prescribes topical medications for the scar. Pain medications may be used as per directions (avoid aspirin unless advised by your doctor). Alcohol and smoking cessation are also essential as they may disturb the healing and may cause complications.

Steps for Recovery at Home:

  1. At home, you’re advised to lay on an inclined position for a few days to sleep. By keeping your upper body at a higher angle and bending your knees you can avoid edema formation. You may even put pillows under your knees to prevent further strain.
  2. Even though you are advised to avoid rigorous exercise, that is not to say that you stay immobile at home. A little walk here and there would improve blood flow and prevent clots from clogging in the deep veins of your leg.
  3. Set up a convenient place at home where all your needs are met, listen to your body before performing any activity. If it says no, avoid it. Refrain from sexual activity for 3 weeks to avoid any pressure on the stitches.

10 Tips and Tricks for a speedy recovery:

  1. Hydration: Water is your best friend during your recovery. Studies have shown that drinking plenty of water helps flush out many toxins and reduced edema.
  2. Vitamin A & C supplements: These are said to be antioxidants and help promote healing after surgery.
  3. Vitamin E Oil and Cocoa butter: Studies support the idea behind the use of vitamin E to minimize the appearance of scar and moistening the skin. Apply Vitamin E oil on the scar once per day for a few months.
  4. Silicone Sheet: These over the counter sheets help relieve the itch and pain and are available as patches or dressings.
  5. Adherence to use of Compression Garments: There are Tummy Tucks with good results and then tummy tucks with splendid results. Compression garments may be the difference between them. Patients who adhere to daily usage of compression garments have low chances of seroma formation and also get the full results from the recovery.
  6. Sunscreen: SPF will be partnering you through your recovery. Direct Sunlight may irritate the scars and cause hyperpigmentation since the scars comprise of newly generated skin and acts differently than the old skin. Without the use of a sunscreen of 30 SPF or more, the scar may become more dark and visible. Make a habit to apply sunscreen for at least a year.
  7. Loose Clothes: Some tight garments such as jeans may hinder healing by irritating the skin more, therefore
  8. Scar removal surgery: If the scars still seem to bother you after your recovery is culminating (at least after a year) you may choose a scar revisions surgery. These procedures do not cause the scar to ‘disappear’ but instead make them less conspicuous either by shortening them, dulling them or altering the scar texture. Scar treatment includes the application of steroids, lasers and punch grafts.
  9. Steroids: an injection of steroids on the raised scar may reduce the raised scar. This may be repeated a couple of times
  10. Laser: Vascular lasers may be used to reduce the blood vessels which are responsible for the redness. New collagen is thereafter synthesized which improves the texture of the scar.
  1. Appropriate Diet: Certain foods reduce inflammation such as Pineapple and Papaya. Others reduce the swelling and pain such as arnica. Ginger Tea may help with nausea post op. Some people report green tea as helpful in boosting their immunity.
  2. Be Cautious for infections: By cleaning your scar incisions every day, you can prevent the development of infections. Some red flags are: profuse bleeding at the incision site, bloating or swelling that is increasing and not decreasing, feeling of extreme pain despite pain medication, fever, yellowish-green colored discharge or disagreeable odor from the area.

The Sum and Substance:

The ideal candidate for a Tummy Tuck is the patient who thoroughly understands the outcomes of their surgery. They have realistic expectations for their scarring and put into account that such an extensive surgery cannot be performed without incision lines and scars. By following these steps, you can surely reduce the scarring. Ultimately, it all comes down to the choice of your cosmetic surgeon. Years of experience are required to produce the ideal results and Dr. Arif Hussain is the finest choice to the body of your dreams!

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