History of Plastic Surgery is very old. Not that old as the Stone Age but, way back when the technology is not refined and latest. From 19th Century Plastic & Cosmetic surgery diversify itself and till now doing new innovations.

Women are always concerned about their face even when the first aging sign appears. They try their best to fight against aging. Aging which is 80% environmental and 20% biological so that means many part of it is in your hand.

The most authentic procedure to bring back age is the Surgical face lift but now a day’s, different non-surgical or non-invasive procedures are available that only can buy you some time to go into a surgical procedure. Facelift in Karachi, Pakistan is also gaining popularity, offering individuals an opportunity to enhance their appearance through advanced cosmetic techniques

As a Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon it is your duty to asses a patient carefully and in detail, that which procedure is best for a patient and when.

Filler can be use for the first sign of aging and give you very pleasing results where volume is required. Most commonly site to use fillers is nasiolabilal, folds, sub mental folds and even at crow’s feet. It is important to inject right volume and the right consistency of filler at different places. Fillers are not the replacement of Face lift but only give volume and disappear the fine wrinkle lines.

Botox is a bottlisium toxin which does a false paralysis at the muscle for months and can be use to hide the frown lines, crow’s feet and to lift the brows at the face. Good candidate are who has develop prominent frown lines or gabbler folds. Botox is only used to disappear the prominent line which gives you an older look; it is not permanent solution for complete face rejuvenation.

Platelets have a very unique function to regenerate dead tissue or to activate the stem cell process which create new cell. We can inject this into the skin and which activate the collagen synthesis and gives you a nourishing skin and can disappear the small pores at the face. Platelets rich plasma can be taken via your own blood and send it to the laboratory to take out plasma and platelets. This procedure has good results at the early Signe of aging and who are chronic smoker.

Thread lift is another minimal invasive procedure done under local anesthesia to the stretch the face.

Best results achieved at jaw lines and the brows but it can be done to stretch the full face. Best candidate who do not want to go under full surgical face lift or after face lift to pull the lower neck.WHY CHOOSE KNIFE! FOR FACE LIFT WHEN WE HAVE THREADS!

These all procedure mentioned above are not the replacement of surgical face lift but can only buy some time, so that a person should go for a surgical procedure which is long lasting.

Good patients for surgical face lift are those who are in their fifties mostly. Their jaw line droops their neck falls they don’t have a volume at nasiolabial folds malar fold are hanging. As face lift is associated with other surgical procedure if you are rejuvenating the face, than upper lid of the eyes and the lower lid should be address as well with the brow lift. Other patients are those who have gone through with all non invasive procedure and now it is not helping them.

I believe, that to achieve good results combination of procedure should be attain, like if a Plastic Surgeon is going for a surgical face lift, he should evaluate where to stretch the face and where to give volume. If the face lift can be done along with some noninvasive procedure it will give a prominent aesthetic result and can be long lasting.

When it comes to Body contouring and their perks, individuals seeking enhancement are often those looking to refine their silhouette. Common concerns include excess fat in certain areas, lack of definition, and skin laxity


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Cosmetic Surgeon