Abdominal Liposuction: An Overview

Are you done running miles on the treadmill? Or eating innumerable bowls of salads? And still, struggling to shed off fat from your belly? Nothing is actually helping remove that bulging tummy of yours. Well, that fat at your abdomen is stubborn indeed.

The abdomen is the lower part of your belly. The fat that usually accumulates here is difficult to get rid of. When diet control and exercise fail, cosmetic surgery is here to the rescue.

Liposuction is the most common procedure used to treat fat accumulating at your abdomen.

Before we go into the details of the procedure, let’s see what factors are considered for successful liposuction?

Factors Behind A Successful Abdominal Liposuction:

Successful abdominal liposuction is crucial to avoid additional procedures like a tummy tuck. Some factors which play a role for successful liposuction are:


Age of the patient does not have any direct effect on the procedure. But with age, the elasticity of the skin reduces so after liposuction you can have a lot of loose skin which might need more procedures.

So, the best age to get liposuction done is from the 30s-50s. But some people above 60 years of age have also reported satisfaction after the procedure.


Female fat is soft and fibrous. This makes liposuction more efficient in females than males.

Amount Of Abdominal Fat:

What amount of fat is required to be removed highly affects the procedure? If fat is in much quantity, it might require more than one session.

The Exact Location Of Fat:

Abdominal fat is present at two locations;

Subcutaneous Fat:

Subcutaneous fat is superficial and present right below the skin. This fat is easier to remove.

Deep/Intestinal Fat:

It is difficult to remove deep intestinal fat with liposuction because it is attached to the intestines. Diet and exercise are better options for this.

Weight History:

If you have been obese in the past, the fat in your body has now become more fibrous and harder. This will be difficult to remove and will require multiple sittings.

History Of Pregnancies:

Pregnancies can leave your abdominal muscles stretched so this may give you a permanent bulge at the abdomen. Usually, that is corrected by liposuction. On the other hand, fat might accumulate at the point of incision made for a C-Section. This fat is also successfully removed with liposuction.

Let’s have a look at how it works.


Abdominal liposuction is performed in the following steps;

Step#1: Anesthesia:

Abdominal liposuction is an easy, quick, and painless procedure for weight loss. For this, your surgeon will give you general or local anesthesia depending upon the area to be treated. Mostly it is done with local anesthesia.

Step#2: Incisions:

The best part of liposuction is that it won’t leave nasty scars on your body. For abdominal liposuction, your surgeon will make small incisions at the target area.

Step#3 Emulsification of Fat:

Through these small incisions, tumescent fluid, which is a type of salt solution is injected in the fat pockets. This fluid softens and starts to emulsify fat.

Step#4 Suction:

Further, your surgeon will insert tiny tubes attached to a small vacuum-like cannula inside. He will move it rapidly to suck out all the fat.

Step#5 Stitches:

The incisions will then be stitched close. Moreover, you’ll get bandaged and will be suggested to wear a compression garment to prevent skin sagging.

Recovery And Downtime:

The procedure can last from 45 minutes to two hours. However, you might have a downtime of two weeks before you resume your daily activities. Darin tubes will be attached to your wound to prevent any fluid and blood accumulation. These tubes are removed after two to three days. After that, you can start an essential movement.

The stitches applied are dissolvable so you won’t need to get them removed.

There will be some soreness and swelling for a few days. Painkillers will be prescribed by your doctor to release the discomfort.

You can get back to work after two weeks, but you need to avoid vigorous movement for at least 4-6 weeks. Moreover, you should prevent direct exposure to sunlight. In addition to this, You avoid bathing for the first two to three days.


Best results of abdominal liposuction show after 12 weeks of the procedure. You’ll be happy to know that these results are permanent. Only you need to consider a few things like maintaining a healthy weight and good lifestyle practices.

So now that we know how it’s done are you wondering if this is the procedure for you? Are you the right candidate? Let’s see

A Suitable Candidate For Lipoabdominal In Pakistan:

If you want to get abdominal liposuction in Pakistan you should be:

  • In good health. It is not recommended for people with heart disease.
  • Non-smoker
  • Within 30%of, your ideal weight.
  • If you are a woman, it is preferred that you are done having kids. Further pregnancies might affect the results.

Risks Involved In Abdominal Liposuction In Pakistan:

Every procedure can have some risks too, which can be avoided by good care. Some risks involved are:

  • Swelling
  • Numbness in the area
  • Thrombosis: formation of blood clots
  • Infections
  • Fluid accumulation leading to kidney disorders
  • Blood supply damage

All these can be avoided if you chose a well-trained surgeon who professionally does his job.

About Us:

Are you looking to get your stomach liposuction done correctly? Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully.

He will not disappoint you after having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and performing hundreds of successful lipo abdominal in Pakistan.

He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.

So, let your dream of having smooth and flawless skin come true by coming in contact with us today. Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.

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