Tummy Tuck – The WAY

Introduction: Pursuing a flatter, more toned abdomen leads many to consider a tummy tuck, a surgical procedure that can significantly improve the appearance of the abdominal area. However, not all tummy tucks are created equal. There are two primary types: the full tummy tuck and the mini tummy tuck. Understanding the differences between these procedures […]


Male Body Contouring

Its not uncommon to see men seeking to eliminate unwanted fat deposits, typically in the chest (a condition called gynecomastia), around the abdomen, along with waist and flanks.


Beautiful Smile Waiting for You!!! – Ultimate Lip Reduction

  Many Men and Women undergo lip augmentation to increase the size of the Upper and Lower lip.how ever, there are some people out there that feel that their lips are too large, individuals that have large lips may feel self-conscious about their appearance.


Breast Lift for a Proper Look!

    Breast lift also known as breast tightening addresses sagginess of breast through tightening, re contouring and lifting them up to recreate a youthful shape. Explore Breast Augmentation in Pakistan, Karachi.


Tummy Liposuction – FAQs

Struggling with stubborn fat in the tummy area is a common issue for many, regardless of age or fitness level. These localized fat deposits often don’t respond to diet and exercise, mainly when they’re influenced by genetics. If you find yourself in this situation, consider liposuction as a solution to achieve a more sculpted abdominal contour. This […]


GYNECOMASTIA ! Pakistan & taboos

Gynecomastia is a condition which occurs in males and a rising taboo around the world. Keeping your figure in shape or having concern about it was always been a domain of developed world.


Breast augments, way to restore women beauty!

Women having small or disproportional breasts can achieve the desired size and noticeably improves breast volume, breast augmentation/enhancement.


Body contouring and their perks

  Dramatic weight loss whether achieved by continuous exercise and proper dieting or  bariatric surgery brings unavoidable hanging skin over various parts of our body certainly looks aesthetically undesirable.


Is Breast Augmentation – Mammoplasty SAFE?

Breast augmentation and augmentation mammoplasty are plastic surgery terms for the breast-implant and the fat-graft mammoplasty approaches used to increase the size, change the shape, and alter the texture of the breasts of a woman.


24HR Recovery TUMMY TUCK with SAFELipo under local Anesthesia.

Cosmetic surgery has become more advance and becoming directly proportional to  patients needs and demand. Men and women are now adopting more easy and non invasive ways for cosmetic procedures.


Cosmetic Surgeon