FACELIFT SURGERY- A Way to Look Younger

Facelift surgery in Karachi, Pakistan offers a rejuvenating solution to counter the natural effects of aging by addressing factors such as loss of collagen, sun exposure, and other contributors to facial aging. This procedure aims to restore youthful facial contours and skin vibrancy, combating the inevitable signs of aging in a modern, globally accepted approach.

What Actually Is Facelift Surgery?

Also called Rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical process that reverses the aging problems on the face. This involves removing the wrinkles from the jawline, jowls, neck, nose, and lips. Face lifting surgeries also enhances the less appealing facial features.
Face lifting procedures tighten the tissues and muscles of the face, mostly lips, jawlines, and cheeks. Many people also get themselves treated for double chin problems with face lifting surgeries.

Need For Face Lifting Surgery:

In Karachi, Pakistan, the trend for facelift surgeries has evolved significantly. Many individuals are exploring the difference between a normal facelift and a mini facelift. The primary distinction lies in the extent of the procedure. A regular facelift addresses a broader area of the face, including wrinkles on the jawline, jowls, neck, nose, and lips, whereas a mini facelift is a more targeted approach, often focusing on specific areas, like the cheeks or lower face.

Moreover, an emerging practice alongside surgical facelifts in Karachi involves incorporating fat grafting into the procedure. This technique complements the facelift by utilizing the patient’s own fat to enhance facial contours, restore volume, and achieve more natural and longer-lasting results. The fat grafting procedure often accompanies the facelift to address volume loss and improve overall facial appearance.

Types Of Facelift Surgery:

1. Mid Facelift: This procedure is done on the cheeks. It tightens the tissues of the cheeks and creates attractive cheek contour. This procedure also improves the lower eyelids.
2. Mini Facelift: This is done on the lower face. This helps to create smoother and uplifted facial contours.
3. Deep Plane Facelift: This type of Facelift is carried out to lift muscle tissues and skin, which corrects heavy cheeks and skin laxity.
4. Silhouette Instalift: in this procedure, dissolvable sutures and cones are used to lift the cheeks and suspend facial structures like jowls, cheeks, and excess neck folds. This procedure gives a youthful orientation to the face.
5. Neck liposuction: This procedure reduces excess fat in the neck and the jowls. It also eliminates the fat which is accumulated under the chin.
6. Therapy: This is a non-surgical procedure that lifts and tones sagging. Ultrasound energy is used in this. Younger patients are considered best for this procedure.

Techniques Of Face Lifting Surgery:

1. Cutaneous Facelift: Long incisions are made along the hairline, and sutures are also made on the skin to lift it high.

2. SMAS (Super facial Musculoaponeurotic System): In this technique, the surgeon tightens the muscle structures. Sometimes the skin is extracted so that facial contours are improved.

3. Deep Plane Lift: The whole facial structure is treated and lifted in this technique.

4. S Lift: This procedure has a lesser recovery time than any other technique. The surgeon makes S-shaped cut in front of the ears.

5. Subperiosteal Facelift: The bones are adjusted in the lower lash line or the inside mouth by making incisions. This technique is useful for the midface.

Pros And Cons Of Face Lifting:

• It can make you look 15 years younger than the actual age.
• A facelift is better than many other techniques and procedures.
• If anyone wants to contour different areas of the face, this procedure is the best as in one go, all the areas of the face can be improved.
• Facelift procedure does not cause pain as compared to any other surgical procedure.
• The recovery time is also very little as compared to other surgeries.


The side effects of Facelift are mostly temporary and fades away with the passage of time.
• The major drawback of this surgery is that it is not lifelong, and after every 10- 15 years, one has to repeat the same procedures.
• During the surgery, nerve injuries can occur, but this is a temporary problem, and within a few days, it fades away.
• Patients may also experience Hematoma after the surgery.
• There can be no growth of hair on the place of the scar or incisions.
• Many patients also experience baldness after this.

Care For Facelift After Surgery:

• The patient should avoid going out in the sun without applying sunscreen, as it can cause swelling.
• The scars should be covered with gauze wraps so that minimum swelling occurs.
• Rest for 2-3 days is recommended after the surgery, but leg movements or walking are also important to prevent blood clotting within the body.
• The patient should regularly keep a check on his/her blood pressure.

Postoperative Diet For Facelift:

• All the food and beverages which cause high blood pressure should be avoided.
• To keep the body hydrated, water intake should be increased.
• Select food that requires less chewing.
• Medication, which is prescribed by the doctor, should be taken regularly and on time.
• To prevent nausea or any other digestive problems, meals should be eaten about 20 minutes before taking medicine.
• In case of any nausea or vomiting, the meal and medicine must be postponed until the problem is cured.
• Although the patient should take a proper amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and proteins, the intake of proteins should be more than carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins.


In a nutshell, facelift surgery is recommended as it makes you look younger than the actual age and enhances your facial beauty. It also diminishes the underlying factors of aging on one’s face. Thus, whoever wants to look young should opt for this surgery. Though the procedure is costly, it’s worth it.

About Us:
Are you looking to get your face lifting done correctly? Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully. He will not disappoint you after having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and performing hundreds of successful facelift surgeries in Karachi, Pakistan.
He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.
Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.


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