Facial Fat Grafting: What You Should Know

Are you looking for a most natural way of restoring volume to your features? How about giving a try facial fat grafting? Contrasting to injectable fillers comprising of artificial ingredients, fat tissues are present all over the body, making this procedure a safer one too.
Looking into this procedure, fat grafting involves the removal of fat from the body’s one area, and when this fat is grafted or transferred into another area. To put it simply, this surgical procedure is a fat transplant where both the recipient and the donor is the patient.
Interestingly, there occurs no rejection, as this is the very own tissue of the patient. Let’s explore more about fat grafting here.

This Procedure Is Less Invasive Than Facial Plastic Surgery:

If you’re also amongst those people who don’t want surgery or avoid surgery for medical reasons, facial fat grafting can be your way to go. Although a surgical procedure, a facial fat graft is a relatively minor one.
A facial fat graft possibly is the best procedure as it involves the least invasive course of action. This particularly works in certain situations when you can’t go for other surgeries or if there are other risks.
Adding to it, there will be tiny incisions at the transfer and donor areas. Moreover, the size of both the device for harvesting fat cells and the needle for re-injecting it is very small. This is what makes facial fat transfer significantly a less invasive procedure as compared to many other cosmetic procedures.
Last but not least, this also makes for a quicker and easier recovery in comparison to other cosmetic surgeries.

A Facial Fat Transfer Can Treat Sagging Skin Very Well:

By far, surgery was the most common method of treating signs of aging in the lower third of a human’s face. Wondering why so? This is for the reason that your face’s lower third is where you’ll get the most severe sagging skin after you begin to lose significant collagen reserves.
In some cases, a facial fat transfer works well for avoiding surgery when dealing with mild sagging skin by restoring an important volume of the skin. Nevertheless, there might be a need for surgery for the removal of excess skin in cases where there is more severe sagging.

The Facial Fat Grafting May Give You Permanent Results:

Facial fat grafting involves taking excess fat in a small amount from the donor sites, e.g., belly, back, buttocks, and thighs. Subsequently, the surgeon injects that fat into your facial areas where you want to have more volume or tightening. Or those of your facial areas where there is a requirement of facial contours.
Notably, your surgeon transplants or harvests more fat cells than the actual requirement because your body will metabolize or reabsorb some of those fat cells.
After completion of recovery, the fat cells that your body didn’t metabolize become permanent in their new region. The critical process in this step is the processing of cells actually. For that reason, you always need to rely on only a certified and well-experienced surgeon.
Noticeably, the same procedure is used for lip enhancement. Besides, fat transfer can sort out every type of abnormalities, such as those resulting from poorly performed liposuction or injuries.

A Facial Fat Graft May Be Less Risky As Compared To Other Procedures:

As a matter of fact and more to your interest, a facial fat graft likely comes with the fewest risks for you. Wondering why and how so? Let’s give you its explanation here.
This is because there happens to be no use of foreign devices in this procedure, e.g., implants or any product carrying even a minor allergic reaction risk.

The Downside Of Facial Fat Grafting:

Similar to any other surgical procedure, facial fat grafting does have its downside too. Although not that harmful or risky, the disadvantages of this procedure can be the following;

  •    From harvesting to purification, the fat grafting process is extensive and can be time-consuming compared to Botox and tissue         fillers
  •    Facial fat grafting costs more as compared to dermal fillers or other injectable fillers in the short-term. Nevertheless, it has a lower long-term cost.
  •   The amount of fat your surgeon graft at any given time will be limited.

Putting It All Together:

When taking into account facial fat grafting, the Brightside of facial fat graft weighs more as the procedure is less risky than other facial procedures. Over and above that, it can give you permanent results, and this is what we all actually want.
Needless to say, nobody wants to pay for temporary results in particular when it comes to treating facial problems and undergoing facial surgeries. What’s more? Facial fat grafting can be an incredible skin rejuvenating approach as it can wonderfully treat sagging skin.
The key is to contact a well-qualified and renowned cosmetic surgeon who will minimize the risks and carry out the best results only.

Wondering When To Consider Facial Fat Grafting?

You should consider facial fat grafting if you;

  •  Want more long-lasting correction as compared to what those temporary injectable fillers provide
  •  Have deep grooves that run from your nasal area to your mouth’s corners
  •  Want removal of the fat from your cheekbones
  •  Have sunken and creased facial areas
  •  Want to improve your body contour, revise scars, rejuvenate your hands and face and fill bodily depressions
  •  Have lines in the middle of your cheek and lower eyelids

About Us:
Are you looking to get your facial fat grafting done correctly? Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully. He will not disappoint you after having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and performing hundreds of successful facial fat grafting in Karachi, Pakistan.
He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.
Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.


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