According to American society of  aesthetic plastic surgeon, fat transfer or fat grafting procedure is gaining popularity. Body parts like Breast, buttocks, calves and face are the areas mostly treated. Fat Transfer in Pakistan, Karachi is surprisingly also becoming a very popular procedure day by day. Looking at this, we decided to do a post on fat transfer to educate people about details like fat transfer benefits, it’s procedure, cost, recovery time and expected results.


Fat transfer or fat grafting means harvesting the body fat and redistribute it to other body part to give curves enhancement and firmness through tiny incisions. Fat grafting is use to lift or increase the size of Breast and to gives contouring. For the fullness of  the face and to decrease the nasiolsbial folds or angle fat grafting is widely used because it is permanent unlike fillers which dissolve in years time. Some study shows the absorption of fat but still it stays longer.

We can use your own fat to enhance the buttocks size which is now a days a most demanding cosmetic procedure.
45 year old sana, said she is totally satisfied by Dr Arif Hussain fat grafting result. She had a transfer done on her face and lips and it looks amazing.  Dr Arif Hussain dose latest fat transfer injection at the periosteum level which make the fat stay longer.

Procedure is simple and day care. It starts with liposuction first but unlike discarding the fat in routine liposuction procedure we harvest it in a sterile canisters.  When the enough fat is collected to enhance or lift the area, than the harvested fat is shifted to sterilise syringes and by tiny incision is injected by the help of very small cannulas. This is a office procedure and patient can leave home in hours time.

According to American society of aesthetic plastic surgeon fat grafting procedure has increased in number in a survey of 2015 most cosmetic procedures performed.  It is a safe procedure which has less complication rate and less down time.


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