Fat Grafting: Different Types Of Fat Transfer And How It Works

Cosmetic surgery trends have extended their roots from celebrities and models to commoners like us. However, going under the knife can be frightening for all. This is why many non-invasive procedures have gained popularity.

In the beginning, laser surgeries were introduced. Now we have an array of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. People tend to be more attracted to them because;
● They are less painful.
● Leave minimum scarring.
● Require less recovery time.
● If you want minor corrections, you can avoid a whole effort of a surgery (anesthesia, stitches, and bandages).

With more development in the industry and running many tests and trials, we came up with fat transfer or fat grafting. It is also known as autologous fat transfer because the fat transferred is extracted from your own body. Simply put, the fat is extracted from parts it is not needed and transferred to where we need it. Indeed, it is a two in one combo.

With time, fat transfer has also evolved and been used for many purposes. Today let’s talk about what type of fat transfer procedures are available:

1. Brazilian Butt Lift:

Always dreamt of a fuller round bottom? Well, yes, who doesn’t want it? But the effort you need to put in it is massive. Religiously following a diet and exercise routine might also not give the perfect results. For this, the Brazilian butt lift is the most convenient and painless procedure.
In a Brazilian butt lift, Fat grafting is done by extracting fat and transferring it to your butt. Let’s have a detailed look at the procedure:

2. Autologous Wrinkle Fillers:

Wrinkle fillers are the most widely used type of cosmetic procedure. Many natural and synthetic materials are used as fillers. However, autologous fillers refer to materials extracted from one’s own body. These fillers involve platelet-rich plasma and body fat.

Fat Fillers are used to filling wrinkles and fine lines. Moreover, it deals with acne scars or thin hands and feet.

How Does It Work?
Fat filler injections are prepared in the following procedure:

Step1: Sedation
The procedure is very non-invasive and can be performed with local anesthesia or numbing balms or creams.

Step2: Liposuction
For autologous fat fillers, fat is extracted from parts such as; abdomen, thighs, and legs in the first place. Your surgeon will use a simple liposuction technique to do this. He will make very tiny incisions at the donor site.

Small tubes will be inserted attached to a small, vacuum-like cannula, and this cannula will suck out excess fat.

Step 3: Preparation
This fat is then purified and prepared to be used as an injectable filler.

Step4: Injection
The prepared fat is then injected into the host area.

Breast Reconstruction:

You definitely have heard of breast reconstruction. Some women have to get their breasts removed due to medical complications, like a mastectomy for cancer cure. Such women can feel embarrassed about their bodies and even go into depression. This is a hard time for them as well as their families.

To combat this, breast reconstructive surgery is performed. There are many types of procedures, and one of them is fat grafting. Especially if you had a partial mastectomy and some part of your breast tissue is safe, a fat transfer can correct it.

How Is It Done?

Fat transfer for breast reconstruction involves the following steps:

Step1: Preserving The Skin

Breast reconstruction is only possible if either it is done immediately or the skin is preserved immediately. For skin preservation, a stretching cup is placed to keep it in shape and wrinkle-free.

Step2: Anesthesia

Once the procedure starts, your surgeon will numb the donor area with local anesthesia.

Step3: Liposuction

For extraction of fat, small incisions are made at the donor site. Tiny tubes are inserted from these incisions. Attached to them is a small cannula. This vacuum-like cannula sucks out the fat.

Step4: Preparation

This fat is then purified and prepared to be injected into the body again.

Step5: Grafting

Your surgeon will then carefully inject the fat to redevelop the natural breast shape.

3. Facial Fat Transfer

Your face is the most significant part of your beauty. Any signs of aging will very firstly appear on your face. Sunken cheeks, hollow eye beds, and Shrinking lips all can be corrected using fat grafting.
Moreover, any deformity in your face because of an injury or trauma can make you lose self-confidence. At times even after major surgeries, you might need corrections or filling up of areas, and here, facial fat transfer is used.

How Is It Done?
Facial fat transfer comprises of three basic steps:

Step1: Liposuction
For facial fat transfer, fat is extracted through liposuction. A small cannula is inserted using tiny tubes, which sucks out the fat.

Step2: Preparation
Moving ahead, this fat is purified. Purification involves the removal of dead fat cells and preparing healthy fat cells to be injected.

Step3: Injection
Fat injections are given to areas that require correction. Usually, the fat is overfilled because our body has this natural capacity for absorbing fat. As a matter of fact, up to 40% of the fat grafted will be reabsorbed.

Hence, it will take a few months before you see the desired results when the overfilling will be reabsorbed, and the swelling subsides.

About Us:
Are you looking to get your fat transfer done correctly? Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully.
He will not disappoint you after having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and performing hundreds of successful fat transfer procedures.
He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.

So, let your dream of having slim and smooth skin come true by coming in contact with us today. Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.

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