Fat Transfer or Grafting: Side Effects, Benefits and Risks Involved

I am so fat! This statement is a concern of many, but we cannot overlook another group of people who are continuously bullied in our society. Those are the ones who are struggling to get some curves. Yes, some of us are actually different.

At one end, where everyone struggles to lose weight, some of us would like to add some fat. Six pack abs and a broad chest is a dream of our boys while all girls want some curvy buttocks and perky breasts like models. Moreover, flat cheeks and thin lips also give our personality a sad appearance.

Gaining weight, especially at places you want to gain, can be the most difficult task ever. Even more than losing weight. So today, I’ve brought for you the ultimate solution to this problem. Fat grafting is a miraculous cosmetic procedure that will add fat to parts where you specifically need it.

Let me give you a more detailed insight.

What Is Fat Grafting/Transfer?

Fat transfer or fat grafting is a cosmetic procedure that takes fat from one part of your body and transfers it to the area you need. It is also known as an analogous fat transfer because the fat transferred is derived from your own body.

The areas from where this fat is derived are called host or harvesting sites. Host sites can be:

  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Legs
  • Arms

This fat is then purified and injected to plump up certain parts. Target areas or mostly known as graft sites for fat transfer can be:

  • Under eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Acne scars
  • Lips
  • Hands
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Chest

Let’s go into some more detail of the procedure.

How Is Fat Grafting Done?

Fat grafting is a non-invasive and painless procedure. It can be performed in a simple clinic setting. It includes the following steps:

Step#1: Anesthesia

Your surgeon will give you local anesthesia to make this procedure painless and comfortable for you.

Step#2 Harvesting

The host sites of your body will be cleaned and prepared for the harvesting of fat. Harvesting is done using a simple liposuction procedure. Your surgeon will make small incisions and insert tiny tubes attached to a small cannula. This canula will suck out the unwanted fat from that body part.

Step#3 Purification

The fat which is sucked out of your body is then purified using a centrifugal method. Later on, it is prepared to be injected in the body.

Step#4 Transfer

The purified fat cells are inserted at the places where you need it using syringes. Your surgeon will overfill the area as up to 40% of fat cells might dissolve. This is because the fat breakdown is a natural process of your body.

Are you concerned about the recovery? Well, it won’t take much time, and the wait is worth the results.


You’ll have some swelling and bruising in the treated areas for a few days. You should place cold compresses for the first 24 – 48 hours. Moreover, avoid extensive physical activity and vigorous movement. Otherwise, the fat will begin to dissolve, and you won’t get the required results.


You’ll get visible results after a few months when all the swelling is gone, and the excess fat has dissolved. It is when your required shape is achieved.

The most amazing part is that after reabsorption, the correction is usually permanent. But why should you opt for this procedure? What are its benefits? Let’s have a look.

Benefits Of Fat Transfer:

Some benefits fat transfer provides are as follows:

  • It is completely natural. The fat injected is produced by your body, so unlike any injectable fillers, it won’t have any allergic reactions.
  • Safer
  • More long-lasting
  • Will not only give you a big bottom or big boobs but also conceal any signs of aging, wrinkles, and fine lines. Moreover, it will fill acne scars or any other hollow places due to injury or trauma.
  • A non-invasive procedure and does not leave any scars.

Where it seems all good, every procedure has some side effects too. If you are well-aware of them, you can manage and avoid them to the best.

Side Effects Of Fat Transfer:

Experiencing some bruising or swelling is normal and will go away on its own. Some complicated side effects you might experience are:

  • Overcorrection Of The Target Area: Some overfilling is done on purpose but still in some proportion. If you lose that proportion overfilling can prevent the development of new blood vessels. This will stop blood flow to fat cells resulting in their death. As a result, only a dead lumpy mass will remain there under your skin.
  • Under-correction Of The Target Area: If less fat is transferred, you won’t achieve the desired results. Therefore, you might need another graft.


  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Clumping of the graft
  • Excessive bleeding due to use of large needles


Such complications are only prevented when you wisely choose your surgeon. Your doctor should be highly qualified and well trained in fat transfers.

Isn’t it a dream come true? You’ll be wondering that everything comes with a price. So does this procedure cost a lot?

Cost Of Fat Transfer:

Fat transfer is not very costly because the fat to be injected is taken from your own body. The cost of purification and injection can sum up to 50000 – 200000 depending upon the areas covered.

About Us:

Are you looking to get your fat grafting correctly? Want to have a younger-looking and smooth skin after getting a fat transfer? Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully.

He will not disappoint you after having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and performing hundreds of successful fat transfer procedures.

He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.

So, let your dream of having smooth and flawless skin come true by coming in contact with us today. Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.

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