Tag: Gynecomastia surgery in Karachi

Gynecomastia: Correction Or Reduction Of Male Breast Tissue

Everybody wants to look their best. No matter if you are a man or a woman, you will always want to look your best. But if some factors become an obstacle, such as gynecomastia, you start looking for ways to remove them. Science and technology have made it possible for us to do so. If […]


How To Get Rid Of Puffy Nipples Or Type 1 Gynecomastia?

Puffy nipples, a form of type 1 gynecomastia, can affect men of various ages, with a higher prevalence among young boys aged 15-25. Type 1 gynecomastia, also known as true gynecomastia, involves the excess development of glandular breast tissue rather than just fatty accumulation, as seen in false gynecomastia. This condition is linked to imbalances […]


Cosmetic Surgeon