How Painful Is Facelift Surgery?

Mirror mirror on the wall… who has the prettiest face of all?? Oh, does this sound familiar? Is this what you ask your mirror daily? Undoubtedly who does not do this? Because we all want to have the prettiest face, don’t we?

Unfortunately, we have no magic potion, which can stop the aging process. We cannot prevent the aging signs from appearing on our faces. With this, we come across wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Does that mean that there is no way to avoid it and stay young and pretty forever? Luckily, there is. With the tremendous advancement in cosmetic surgery, it is easily possible today. Let us introduce you to our magic tool that is the Facelift surgery Karachi, Pakistan, undergoing a Facelift can be a transformative experience, rejuvenating your appearance and providing a youthful, refreshed look.

Wondering What Is Facelift Surgery?

How to know if you need a Facelift? As individuals age, the natural elasticity of the skin diminishes, leading to the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. These signs often prompt consideration for a facelift, a surgical procedure designed to eliminate excess skin and restore firmness to facial tissues, particularly in the lower two-thirds of the face, encompassing the neck while excluding the eyes and brows

But how is this done? Want to know more? Read ahead.

How Painful Is Facelift Surgery?

The Procedure Of Facelift Surgery:

What Is Skin Resurfacing? If you’re considering skin resurfacing procedures, it’s important to understand the process involved. Much like the careful incisions made in a surgical procedure, skin resurfacing techniques often involve precise alterations to the skin’s surface. Just as a doctor meticulously makes incisions along specific points of the face and scalp to achieve a desired outcome, skin resurfacing methods work by targeting and altering the skin’s top layer to promote rejuvenation and renewal.

There happens to be the removal of all the excess skin. In addition to this, any fat will either be removed or redistributed evenly. Further, tightening of underlying muscle and connective tissue will take place.

What’s even better? You can opt for a mini facelift if you have less sagging skin. This will involve shorter incisions.

Over and above this, you can also include a neck lift. Here a small incision will be made under the chin; the skin of the neck will be pulled up.

These incisions are then stitched with dissolvable statures or skin glue. Do not worry about the incisions. They are made this way that they blend with the hairline and do not show.

Bandages are applied usually behind the neck and scalp. Also, there occurs attachment of drain tubes to avoid any fluid or blood accumulation.

Well, getting under the knife might scare you, especially when you are touching the most sensitive body part, i.e., face. You’ll have bandages covering your face, and drain tubes attach. The first question that arises is, will it hurt? Let us answer this for you.

How Painful Is Facelift Surgery?

Being honest, this surgery does affect the most sensitive part, but thanks to refined surgical techniques and advancement in pain management, you’ll experience very little to no pain.

During the surgery, you’ll be fast asleep under the influence of anesthesia. As the surgery lasts from three to six hours, the cosmetic surgeon will give you enough anesthesia to sleep through it. Even after the surgery, you’ll have some time of sedation to adjust to the pain.

As the anesthesia wears off, you will feel some fatigue and dizziness. You can also get nausea. With time you’ll start to feel soreness and some pain in the area of surgery. At this point, your doctor will prescribe pain killers. You can begin taking those to release the discomfort.

If you take an immediate look at your face, it will be bruised and swollen, all wrapped in bandages and drain tubes. So, it won’t be a good idea. But relax the results will be worth the tough time.

The swelling will be maximum for the first five to six days. It will subside rapidly after that. Later on, still it will decrease gradually, and the best outcome will be visible after three to six months.

Over and above that, it is important to avoid any infection in the scarred tissue. To serve this purpose, clean the affected area properly with antiseptics. Moreover, empty the drain tubes timely. They might be there just for the day. So, you need to take good care of cleaning them timely to avoid complications in the future.

What Can You Do To Reduce Pain?

We have some useful tips for you to reduce pain in the first few days of surgery:

  • For the first few days, rest with your head elevated. This is important to reduce swelling and pressure.
  • You can take pain killers as prescribed by your doctor. Always have them on hand and do not miss doses for minimal discomfort.
  • You can also apply cool packs on the face to reduce pain and swelling

With This You Can Also Use The Following Precautions;

  • Avoid direct sun exposure
  • Ask your doctor about which soap and shampoo to use and when
  • Avoid applying makeup.
  • You should avoid excessive motion and pressure.
  • Most importantly, you should strictly follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions. Bear in mind that recovery of facial lift requires a lot of care. For this purpose, you can ask someone to be there with you. Someone who can take care of you according to the doctor’s instructions.


A facelift surgery gives you a more youthful and confident appearance. The results are long term and can last up to 10 years. You will experience some pain, swelling, bruising, and numbness after the surgery. Aftercare of the procedure is critical to combat these issues and get great results.

As mentioned earlier, some pain after the procedure is normal, but you should immediately consult your doctor if you see any of the following signs;

  • Severe pain on any one side of your face or neck within 24 hours of surgery
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat

About Us:

Are you looking forward to getting your facelift surgery done correctly? Want to have a great looking face with minimal pain? Let Dr. Aric Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him entirely.

With having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and after performing hundreds of successful facelift surgeries, he will not disappoint you.

To your delight, he makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.


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