Best Sleeping Positions after Plastic Surgery

The recovery process after every surgery is deemed as important as the surgery itself, whether it be strict adherence to post-operative drugs, abstinence from exertions or even something as trivial as sleeping positions may dictate the final outcome. Sleep is the key to stay ahead of the curve, and numerous studies point towards the benefits of adequate sleep. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Arif Hussain always advises his patients post-op to take the time out for appropriate rests and sleep. Therefore, sleeping has a pivotal role in rejuvenating the body and strengthening the immunity after surgery. Explore Breast Augmentation in Pakistan, Karachi.

Improper sleeping postures can occasionally exacerbate pain for patients, impacting their recovery process. For those seeking to enhance their sleeping posture for a speedier recuperation, considering a few guidelines is essential. Liposuction in Karachi, Pakistan provides advanced solutions for body contouring through surgical procedures.

To make an informed decision about your desired body transformation, it’s essential to grasp how abdominal liposuction differs from a tummy tuck, as both procedures have distinct approaches and outcomes. Educating yourself on these differences can help you choose the right option for your cosmetic goals. However, if you’re considering facial rejuvenation, understanding how to know if you need a Facelift involves consulting with a qualified cosmetic surgeon to assess your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Amount of sleep and sleeping postures:

After undergoing a Tummy Tuck in Karachi, Pakistan, how patients sleep after their procedure is just as noteworthy as the amount of sleep. Since every plastic surgery is different, Dr. Arif Hussain suggests different ideal sleeping postures for his patients post-op. The initial weeks are very crucial in this regard because the incisions are fresh, there is fluid accumulation, also known as edema, and the area is fragile. Nonetheless, this should not discourage you from getting the body of your dreams since even people who toss and turn the most can usually curb their restlessness during their recovery with adequate guidance. Wondering how to minimize or remove Tummy Tuck scarring? Dr. Arif Hussain provides valuable insights in this article.

As a general guideline, he advises to prop the head just above the heart, which can be particularly helpful in minimizing or removing tummy tuck scarring. This would mean adding a couple of pillows beneath the head to elevate it. In facial procedures, especially, this helps to keep the pressure off the capillaries in the head. Additionally, many patients wonder, ‘Can a tummy tuck give you a flat stomach?’ and the answer is that a well-executed tummy tuck can indeed provide the desired flat stomach appearance, tailored to individual needs and preferences. Explore Flatter Your Figure with Enhanced Curves.

The following list gives a post op sleeping posture guideline for some common plastic surgeries.


The ideal sleeping posture after a breast augmentation is to lay flat on your back for the initial 4-5 weeks. This position distributes the pressure evenly on the chest and alleviates extra strain on the stitches. This posture should be adjoined with head elevation by pillows or a head recliner to support the weight of the breasts. You may also find it easier to shift positions because this prevents excessive hand movements and pectoral muscle use when trying to sit straight or stand up. Not only will this prevent pain from occurring, this will help shape the breast capsule in a much more even manner.

In some cases, laying on one side of the body might be okay where the breasts are appropriately reinforced. Supportive cylindrical pillows are also marketed and are seen to give a better sustenance. A Non-ideal position would be to sleep on your stomach because this would put a lot of stress on the incisions causing pain. Before trying any sleeping maneuver, it is suggested that you always consult the plastic surgeon. Explore Who Is A Good Candidate For Breast Lift Surgery?


Amongst others, butt augmentation surgeries may require a longer period of adjustments in sleep postures. A typical breast augmentation is a BBL or a Brazillian Butt Lift. This surgery requires harvesting the fat from one part of the body (such as abdomen) and harvesting it into the buttocks area. Dr. Arif Hussain stresses that not all the fat that is grafted shall persist, in fact some fat does dissolve due to change of environment and the stress associated with it. The fat cells are just as reliant on nutrition and blood as any other living cell of the body and as new blood vessels are generated, it is vital that the patient avoids putting strain on the newly grafted fat cells.

For such patients Dr. Arif Hussain generally advises to sleep on the stomach since it puts the least amount of pressure on the buttocks and makes it harder to shift positions during the night without voluntary efforts. For those patients who are not habitual of sleeping this way, laying on the side may be another option. However, caution must be exercised not to roll over onto the buttocks while asleep.


The face is one the most vascular areas of the body. As the blood flow to this area increases so does the post-operative caution concerning this region. What Dr. Arif Hussain guides in such cases is the elevation of head along with laying on the back for the initial weeks. The reason behind this is to prevent the build-up of blood and fluid in the region thereby reducing the discomfort associated with post-operative swelling. Post-operative swelling is a natural part of healing but may be bothersome cosmetically since the face may look bloated masking the surgery results.

Dr. Arif Hussain recommends sleeping on a recliner as this minimizes the chances of accidental finicky turns during sleep and hand contact with the face. For those who do not have access to a recliner, propping up the head by shoving a couple of pillows below the head may function as well. Some pillows are marketed as having a hollow center that restrict head motion during sleep to keep it supported well all through the night. A travel pillow might be a good option too.


A tummy tuck requires excision of extra skin and tissue from the abdomen usually below the umbilicus and suturing the ends tightly to tone the area. As the surgery suggests, this procedure is bound to create some tension on the sutures holding the two ends of tissues together. To alleviate this tension, patients are advised to flex their waist forward and also their knees as they would curl up in a bed. A 45-degree angle is an appropriate propped up position.


In general post Liposuction, the patient does not need to sleep in any one particular position, Dr. Arif Hussain guides his patients to sleep in any position they find comfortable.  Usually patients who have undergone liposuction prefer sleeping on their sides, they can surround themselves with pillows for added comfort and support.


The crux of the matter is… the most ideal position to sleep in after being done with your plastic surgery is as advised by Dr. Arif Hussain. Since, Dr. Arif Hussain has performed numerous surgeries and has seen umpteen post-operative results, he is your number 1 source in the matter. He believes patient coordination post operation is as necessary as it is pre-op or even during the surgery and wishes all his patients happy fulfilling results!

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