Rhinoplasty – Everything You Need To Know

Rhinoplasty has been enjoying a lot of attention and popularity for the last few years. In 2017 it was the third most common surgery being done in the US alone. A total of 208,927 rhinoplasties were performed in the year as per the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. If you are interested to know all the details, you have landed at the right spot.

Rhinoplasty – An Introduction:

Informally known as a “nose job,” rhinoplasty is a procedure to change the nose’s shape or improve its function. It is performed to either change the appearance of the nose or for improving the breathing or sometimes for both.
Rhinoplasty is done for three reasons, usually:

For Medical Reasons:

Often, rhinoplasty is done to improve the breathing problems associated with a disfigured nose. A disfigured nose could either be due to a birth defect or a result of trauma. Nasal obstruction further leads to problems like sleep apnoea, snoring, disturbed sleep, and breathing problem while exercising.

For Cosmetic Reasons:

Many people do not like the way their nose looks and thus want to get the shape corrected to look more beautiful by getting their nasal hump reduced, correcting asymmetries, or refining the tip.

Types of Rhinoplasty:

The most common rhinoplasty types are “open rhinoplasty” and “close rhinoplasty,” but there are very other types as well. Let’s give you a detail of all the types:

Open Rhinoplasty:

This type of nose job is done for some major reshaping of the nose. The nostrils are separated in this procedure by making a cut on the vertical strip of skin.

After that, the skin and soft tissues are lifted off from the underlying parts of the nose to offer maximum exposure to the surgeon. After doing the repair, the nose flap will be placed on the bone again, followed by sutures and a splint.

Open rhinoplasty is performed to create facial harmony by altering the shape, angle, or size of the nose. It can also be done to treat breathing problems due to the irregular structure of the nose.

Closed Rhinoplasty:

This is a rather simple procedure and is carried out for performing minor and simple nose reshaping. An incision is made on the skin within the nose. The skin is then separated from the bone framework of the nose, including cartilage and bone.
After exposing the bone, framework change is made to either bone or cartilage or to get the desired shape. This is then followed by the discreet incisions technique is a clear job and leaves no scars behind.

What Can Rhinoplasty Do For You? If you are considering rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job,” you may be interested in learning more about the procedure and its potential benefits and additional information on what rhinoplasty can achieve.

Rhinoplasty is a versatile procedure that can address various concerns, including reshaping the nose for aesthetic purposes, correcting structural issues that impact breathing, and enhancing overall facial harmony.

Filler Rhinoplasty:

It is a non-surgical procedure, and it makes use of filler injections. If there are any depressions, gaps, out sharp angles, or irregular nose tip, then this procedure is ideally preferred.

They are quite effective and give effective results, but unfortunately, filler rhinoplasty does not offer a permanent solution.

Secondary Rhinoplasty:

As the name suggests, this type of rhinoplasty is performed to rectify problems that persist following a rhinoplasty procedure or recur. Maybe done by either open or closed technique, it is often a difficult procedure.


This is a type of rhinoplasty procedure that is done to adjust the size of the nostrils only. Performed under local anesthesia, it is a simple procedure, but it gives a drastic change in the appearance of the nose.

Discover Rhinoplasty – Everything You Need To Know

After an open rhinoplasty, the patient needs to have a splint on the outside of the nose for almost a week post-surgery. This is for protecting the nose and aiding in the healing process.
There is some swelling and even bruising around the eyes, which can take almost a month to vanish. Some patients might experience the numbing of teeth and lips that can take up to two weeks post-surgery to return to normal. Even after taking the cast off, the nose will take up to one and a half years to heal completely.
The recovery time in a closed procedure is quite short, up to three days only. The swelling and bruising are also very less as compared to the open procedure.

Post-Surgery Care:

There are some tips and tactics to deal with the post-surgery effects of rhinoplasty. Here, have a look:
• Use cold compressions to alleviate the swelling.
• Avoid touching your nose.
• Keep your head elevated even while you are sleeping.
• Avoid wearing glasses.
• Take painkillers and other medicines properly.
• Avoid strenuous activities.
• Avoid excessive chewing.
• Sneeze with an open mouth.
• Brush your teeth carefully.

Risk Factors:

No surgery is without an involved risk factor. Luckily, rhinoplasty does not have many risk factors and is considered quite safe, except for the common ones. Here is a quick look at them:
• Excessive bleeding
• Permanent numbing of the nose and surrounding area
• Uneven looking nose
• Difficulty in breathing
• Reaction to anesthesia
Nonetheless, you can minimize or diminish the risks by hiring a well-qualified surgeon.

Consult With Your Doctor:

If you have been thinking to give this procedure a try, you must set up a consultation session with your surgeon. Tell him what you are expecting from the surgery. The surgeon will then examine your face and tell you whether your expectations can be fulfilled or not after a complete evaluation.
Also, the surgeon will inform you of the procedure required for your nose job.

About Us:

Are you looking to get your rhinoplasty done correctly? Let Dr. Arif Hussain do this who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of him fully. He will not disappoint you after having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and performing hundreds of successful nose job in Pakistan.

How Much Does A Nose Job Cost In Pakistan? Suppose you are considering rhinoplasty and are curious about the cost in Pakistan. In that case, consulting with a skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Arif Hussain is essential. With a reputation for delivering exceptional results and prioritizing patient satisfaction, Dr. Hussain utilizes advanced technology and state-of-the-art tools to ensure optimal outcomes. He makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the power X machine. This is how he gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.
Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.

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