Open Rhinoplasty for Cleft Lip Nose


Congenital disabilities can profoundly impact an individual’s life, shaping their self-esteem and confidence. One such defect, cleft lip nose, affects the physical appearance and influences how a person perceives. In countries like Pakistan, cleft lip is a common congenital condition that often leaves individuals with a noticeable nose defect, further impacting their self-image. The nose, a prominent facial feature, is crucial in defining one’s personality. Addressing and correcting a cleft lip nose through open rhinoplasty can enhance facial aesthetics, restore confidence, and empower individuals to embrace their unique beauty.

The Journey of Transformation: 

I recently encountered a female patient who had undergone cleft lip repair but was still struggling with a noticeable nose defect. Recognizing the importance of addressing both the functional and aesthetic aspects of her condition, I embarked on a journey to restore her confidence through open rhinoplasty. The procedure aimed to correct the structural abnormalities in her nose, enhance symmetry, and redefine its features to create a harmonious and balanced facial profile.

The Procedure Unveiled: 

The open rhinoplasty procedure for cleft lip noses is a meticulous process that requires precision and expertise. In the case of the female patient, the procedure lasted approximately two hours, during which her nose was lifted to create a binocular vision. The lateral cartilage, which exhibited a flare and depressed impression, was carefully brought into the midline to restore symmetry. The absence of tip definition and dome structure was addressed by lifting the columella and repositioning it backward, adding detail to the front and lateral profiles. Open rhinoplasty, a daycare procedure, allows patients to return home after four hours with minimal post-operative discomfort.

To comprehensively understand nose job or rhinoplasty procedures and their intricacies, explore “What Is Nose Job Or Rhinoplasty?” and delve into the details of this transformative cosmetic surgery.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care: 

Following open rhinoplasty for cleft lip noses, patients may experience swelling for a few days, which subsides gradually. Bandages are typically removed on the third day, enabling individuals to resume their normal activities within four days. Stitches are removed on the fifth post-operative day, leaving no visible scars. The transformative effects of plastic and cosmetic surgery extend beyond physical changes, influencing one’s personality and self-perception. Through the artistry and precision of skilled surgeons, crooked structures can be molded and reshaped, enhancing not only the external appearance but also the internal confidence of individuals.

Empowering Self-Image through Plastic Surgery: 

Plastic and cosmetic surgery has the power to redefine one’s self-image and instill a sense of confidence and empowerment. Individuals can reclaim their sense of self and embrace their unique beauty by addressing congenital disabilities such as cleft lip noses through procedures like open rhinoplasty. The transformative journey of undergoing plastic surgery goes beyond the physical changes, delving into the emotional and psychological aspects of self-acceptance and self-assurance. Patients can experience a renewed sense of confidence and pride in their appearance through skilled artistry and personalized care.

Celebrating Beauty and Confidence: 

The story of the female patient who underwent open rhinoplasty for her cleft lip nose is a testament to the transformative power of plastic surgery. By addressing the structural abnormalities in her nose and enhancing its aesthetic appeal, she regained her confidence and embraced her natural beauty. The procedure corrected her appearance and empowered her to navigate life with renewed self-assurance. Plastic surgery, when performed with precision and care, can reshape destinies, restore confidence, and celebrate the unique beauty of every individual.


Open rhinoplasty for cleft lip noses stands as a beacon of hope for individuals facing the challenges of congenital disabilities. Through the artistry and expertise of plastic surgeons, individuals can undergo a transformative journey towards restoring confidence, enhancing facial aesthetics, and embracing their unique beauty. The procedure not only corrects physical abnormalities but also nurtures a sense of self-assurance and empowerment in patients. By celebrating the beauty and confidence that arise from plastic surgery, we honor its transformative impact on individuals’ lives, shaping destinies and unlocking newfound potential.

For further insights into RHINOPLASTY FOR CLEFT LIP NOSE, explore this specialized procedure that brings hope and confidence to individuals with congenital disabilities.


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